Some friendships last a lifetime while others are only for a - TopicsExpress


Some friendships last a lifetime while others are only for a season. How do you know when it’s time to end your friendship? How do you know it’s time to say goodbye? 1) BAD INFLUENCE- No one can make us do anything we don’t want to do, but our bad choices start with the people we surround ourselves with. Keep your circle positive. 2) CRITICAL- Some people take it upon themselves to tell you everything that (in their eyes) is ‘wrong’ with you. This can be because undermining you makes them feel better about themselves. Friends don’t do this. 3)GOSSIP- Be wary of a friend who gossips about you. Any friend who tells tales on a friend is not a friend. 4) CROSSING BOUNDARIES- If your friend is constantly overstepping boundaries, It’s time to question they’re respect for your friendship and YOU. 5) COMPETITION- They’re always in competition with you. You get a new car/ they get a new truck, You lose 5lbs/ They lose 10lbs. You see the pattern? 6) SELF-ABSORBED/ USER- They are flat-out users. They’re only around when they need you, but when you need them they’re nowhere to be found. 7) NEGATIVE NANCY- They’re always negative or trying to tell you why something (idea, goal, etc.) will not work instead of trying to help you figure out how to make it work. Be honest with yourself. Dont bury your head in the sand saying we have been friends since 5yrs. If your friendship is destructive to your own self-worth and well being it’s time to let it go. Especially, if the negative outweighs the positive.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 00:43:11 +0000

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