Some hypothetical answers on the Odds and Ends questions I posed - TopicsExpress


Some hypothetical answers on the Odds and Ends questions I posed (see below my Signature). 1. The originator of the cartoon was Harold Lincoln Gray (nee Rosencrans, or Rose wreath, a common Jewish name); his father had as his forename Ira, also a common Jewish name. Wikipedia does not explicitly identify his religion. As for Daddy Warbucks, he is a very wealthy arms manufacturer. Pairing an orphan with a generous arms manufacturer as her surrogate father seems to me at least to be a self-serving capitalist propaganda ploy and a bromide thrown to the public to have them view arms manufacturers/profiteers as generous humanitarians concerned about the plight of war orphans the have fathered so to speak. (This positive spin on war profiteers of course is contrary to ones intuitive common sense--but there it is. And there is why such a cartoon needed to be promulgated to the masses.) 2. As for the Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfelds, announcement on 9/10/2001 (the day before the infamous 9/11) that the Department of Defense cannot account for $2,300,000,000,000 (yes, trillion!!!) US Dollars, verbatim it is as follows: Our financial systems are decades old. According to some estimates, we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions. We cannot share information from floor to floor in this building because its stored on dozens of technological systems that are inaccessible or incompatible. On the surface, with the last name of Rumsfeld, primae facie he could be Jewish. The Department of Defense Secretary who preceded him was William Cohen (Jewish) and the one who followed him was William Gates ( his mothers maiden name being Goss and his fathers forename being Mel--common Jewish names, could possibly identify Wm. Gates as Jewish as well, but more research would have to be done on this). As for the actual Gross Domestic Product in 2001, it was 12.71 trillion dollars [multpl/us-gdp-inflation-adjusted/table]. Therefore, the missing--and presumably lost--2.3 trillion dollars accounts for approximately 1/6th of the United States Gross Domestic Product in 2001. Of course with the 9/11 attack happening (most conveniently for Rumsfled and the Bush Administration) the next day, investigation into this gargantuan accounting failure (or was it?) went by the wayside. [Any taxpayers out there who have a problem with this?!] 3. As for Jewish war profiteers, some avenues of investigation include the Rothschild family bankrolling all sides during the Napoleonic wars, Alfred Nobel (dynamite; his presumed guilt over the use of dynamite in WWI led him to create the Nobel Prizes to appease his war profiteering guilt), The Bush family (in league with Jewish bankers bankrolling Hitler) and ...etc. I will have to compose more on this topic--Jewish munitions and war profiteering--when I have more computer time. To be continued. Criticism and feedback IS appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Vaughn Klingenberg Email: Vaughn_kl@msn _____________________________ Some wisdom concerning ancient philosophers: Plato is a better philosopher than Aristotle, not because of the answers he gives but because of the questions he asks. -- One of my ancient Philosophy professors at Marquette--and she said this when teaching a course on Aristotle!!! After Socrates was found guilty of corrupting the youth of Athens by making the weaker argument appear the stronger [sic] he was commanded to offer up what he believed his punishment should be. He replied (honestly), I deserve free meals on the Prytaneum for the rest of my life. [Free meals on the Prytaneum was a honor only given to Athenian victors in the Olympic games; the jury chose to side with the prosecutions alternative punishment and condemned Socrates to death.] Some quotes now from Diogenes (an ancient Greek philosopher famous for carrying a lamp during the day while he unsuccessfully searched for an honest man). These are from The Lives of Eminent Philosophers. Alexander the Great, conqueror of the known world, once caught up with Diogenes and asked the philosopher what gift--any gift, just name it--he could bestow on Diogenes. Alexander was seated on his horse and he cast his shadow over the standing, and sandal-less, Diogenes. Diogenes answered, Please step aside so you do not block from me the light of the sun. Alexander the Great also quipped to Diogenes, If I werent Alexander (the Great) I should like to be Diogenes. To which Diogenes replied, If I werent Diogenes, I should like to be Diogenes. Diogenes was once asked, Why do people give to beggars and not philosophers? Diogenes answered, Because they think it possible that they themselves may become lame or blind, but they do not expect to become philosophers. A man once reproached Diogenes for being banished from his home city-state as punishment. Diogenes replied, And I condemn them to remain where [and as] they are!
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 19:46:02 +0000

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