Some important "Facts about cell phones"! Cell phones use power - TopicsExpress


Some important "Facts about cell phones"! Cell phones use power when you are not using them. Cell phones use a lot of power to turn on the screen.Texting and Social Media use a lot of power because the screen is on. Using the phone to navigate uses a lot of power. The GPS on a smart phone is not as accurate as a wilderness GPS. 911 operators can only get your “rough” network location. In the wilderness, the accuracy of the location is very low, and almost useless. We can sometimes locate you with the GPS on your smart phone. We cannot locate you with the phone when it is out of range or out of power. If you are hiking with your cell phone, remember the following tips: Turn off the phone when you are not using it. Do NOT use your phone for navigation! Use a GPS, a map and a compass. If you get lost, the phone is how you call for help. Call for help as soon as you know you are lost Delaying the call wastes time and daylight, making it harder to find you. When you need help, dial 911. Once you have called for help, conserve power! DO NOT CALL YOUR FAMILY! DO NOT USE SOCIAL MEDIA! Answer calls from 911 or Search and Rescue. We may tell you to turn off the phone and to turn it on at specific times. When SAR members are closing on your position, they may call you to alert you or to ask you from what direction their voices are coming from.
Posted on: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 16:49:00 +0000

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