Some of the words on the NSAs Watch Lists Are Gangs and Sick. - TopicsExpress


Some of the words on the NSAs Watch Lists Are Gangs and Sick. For the NSA: Our Government Gang, Gang, Gang, Gang, Gang Stalks because our Government is Sick, Sick, Sick, Sick. From: Bonnie Calcagno - Government Gang Stalking Whistleblower of our SICK, GANG Stalking Government webpronews/u-s-government-releases-list-of-words-they-look-for-online-2012-05 Sign Up For The Rally Against Mass Surveillance on October 26 in Washington. Let Washington Hear Us Loud and Clear: No Stasi in America youtube/watch?v=Zhn7XmDu6fM U.S. Government Uses The State Secrets Doctrine To Hide Its Misconduct – COINTELPRO Government Gang Stalking Involving First Responders and Neighborhood Watch Groups Using RED cars/RED trucks/wearing or carrying RED in Conspicuous GPS Surveillance stopgangstalkingpolice What signs will we see in America to be able to tell she is becoming America again: 1. She will be congruent - she will walk her talk. 2. There will be a resurgence of creativity - because she will no longer put so much energy/resources in DEFENSE. 3. She will be able to tolerate uncertainty and stop trying to CONTROL everything. 4. She will stop calling herself exceptional/narcissistic inflation. 5. She will integrate her shadow and get in touch again with her idealism, the principles upon which this nation was founded. 6. She will become able to engage in dialogue instead of monologue/propaganda. 7. She will become more introspective/encourage whistleblowers/a free unfettered press. 8. She will become more transparent without secrets to hide her dysfunction/like the American Stasi. 9. There will be participation in governance from all sectors of society rather than control of government by lobbyist/the 1%. 10. She will engage in thinking rather than run by unconscious thought-programs. 11. She will eschew violence. 12. She will separate her emotional system from her intellectual system and stop engaging in emotional thinking. 13. She will celebrate free speech and be a country again where anything can be said. 14. She will decentralize authority and increase participation in decision-making. When we see this we will know America the Sick is back on the road to health. AMERICA IS SICK - The Way A Sick System Works America the Country Is Sick Because A Majority of the People In Her Intelligence-Industrial Complex/Her Government Are Sick She Suffers From Post Traumatic Stress Disorder And Paranoia The Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Arose From The Trauma of 9/11 when Neoconservatives Were Shocked To Discover Their Exceptional Country Was Vulnerable. Since then she overreacts to her own words, she constructed a Narrative of Paranoia Called the War on Terror/They Are All Out To Get Me. At home she revived a familiar Stress Response called Projection, Projection, Projection. She targeted her old familiar targets from her COINTELPRO days – Via the Intelligence-Industrial Complex the right targeting the left. What gets projected is the undeveloped parts of herself – in her crazy narrative/They are all out to get me/We are in a War on Terror – her idealism. So she targets especially those who advocate peace, the intuitives who she sees as a threat, all those who represent her shadow/unconscious/parts of herself she repressed, or that are undeveloped/undifferentiated in her personality – that she fears will overwhelm her. Because she now fells weak and vulnerable, she seeks strength in numbers, so she assembles the Gang, the Group, the Vengeful Mob to intimidate (projective identification – because she is full of fear). Now we see her use the tactics she attributes to her mythological enemy – Terror/Organized Gang Stalking. She institutionalizes her paranoia with Suspicious Activity Reports/Watch Lists/Fusion Centers – her American Stasi/Organized Gang Stalkers. Now she has a secret life which she protects by crippling every last remnant of sanity which might oppose it – a free and unfettered press, people who still retain their individuality/whistleblowers. What we see is a country who is grossly incongruent – who condemns with words – what she has become in actions. Our country is sick. She is disabled from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. She suffers from Paranoia. Above all she is unconscious of her true motivation – a sense of being little and powerless in a world that is uncertain which she compensates for with her talk of Exceptionalism. There is only one way to “cure” what ills America – Consciousness. It starts with ripping the veil of her illusions, self-deceptions – that she can “control” EVERYTHING. WE WHO SEE THAT SHE IS ILL MUST CONFRONT AMERICA WITH HER OWN SHADOW, HER GOVERNMENT GANG STALKING TERRORISM. That is the beginning of the introspection of our country which will allow her self-actualizing tendencies to kick in, which will help “cure” her sickness/inner division/incongruence/projection/post traumatic stress disorder. Let us begin the healing by INVESTIGATING GOVERNMENT GANG STALKING, the hidden part/the shadow of frightened, inauthentic, unconscious, sick America. stopgangstalkingpolice/
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 21:29:35 +0000

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