Some of you are not going to like this, but here it - TopicsExpress


Some of you are not going to like this, but here it goes...... For me, the Hobby Lobby decision boils down to two main points. First, we have a law that forces companies to pay for something for someone else. Right or wrong, good or bad, benefit or burden - thats what it is. It used to be that medical benefits were part of an optional benefit package. If you didnt like the total package - wage plus benefits - you worked someplace else. It was a simple deal based on the American ideal of freedom of choice. The company chose what to offer, the employee chose whether to work there and for how long. Second, we have a sense of entitlement sweeping across this country, ie, if the company being forced to pay for your healthcare wont pay for the type of healthcare you specifically want or feel you need, then you try to force them to do so through laws, the court or the court of public opinion. When did forcing other people to provide you with something exactly the way you want it become OK in this country? I have no doubt that some people need a certain type of healthcare. But I NEED a certain amount of food, clothing, housing, and type of car. Why shouldnt someone else just give it to me? Why shouldnt you? It used to be our responsibility to provide for ourselves until we became physically unable. Now we force others to take care of us even if we are capable of taking care of ourselves. Feels like legalized theft to me. I know the intention is to be the compassionate society. But the way we are doing it is by force, by taking the money of others and telling them that, here in America, your wants and your belief in what is right trumps their belief in what is right. Trumps it so thoroughly, in fact, that you will force them to give it to you. That is not a Founding Principle of this country. That is Socialism. That is Bread and Circuses. Other people, less fortunate then you, NEED what you have. They need food, clothing, housing, and type of car. Who should be FORCED to pay that, I wonder? Should you? Because if enough people think that YOU should pay for these things, they may very well force you to do it if it becomes politically advantageous to do it. You know, to garner favor and votes from a new emerging voter block, for example. Whatever you do to someone else, they can do to you. Thats my real objection to this. Apparently in todays America, it is OK to force someone else to buy you stuff. For the record, this ruling was ridiculous. It was very narrow, and seemed to indicate that Judeo-Christian beliefs could be honored while other beliefs didnt have to be. Thats wrong.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 12:34:14 +0000

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