Some of you have known me for 50 years or more., others I have met - TopicsExpress


Some of you have known me for 50 years or more., others I have met as life moved along.. others have not even met face to face. While the news is fresh... I used to get pretty down and depressed when I was younger, but now & then I could riff with voices and humor pretty steady with friends and strangers alike. When I had a business job, I had to keep a lid on it when supervisors were around. I finally quit and got a job with the guy whod done my welding for my wacky bike ideas. My collection of bikes And cartoon voices grew and the black dog of depression retreated more. I became a teacher, and could incorporate humor and my funny cycles daily in my work. The Fates had me choose to be a substitute teacher, and almost every grade, class, every period, every recess has had me helping folks, joking, talking &/or sharing tales and my Whymcycles. Now my collection of rideable dreams is pushing over 100 seats, with wheels & frames to go with them, and my Smile-cycles make grins, laughter and cameras pop up seemingly everywhere, in person or via the Internet. I also often help handicapped folks with cycle-centered solutions for depressing physical conditions. That is very rewarding, too. And now only my wife gets slightly depressed at our goofy rolling sculpture garden. My landlord licks his chops at the prospect of the recycling po$$ibilitie$. My voice has, on the phone, been mistaken for Robin Williams, even once in San Francisco had to pose with a fan when bouncing on my bikes not 10 miles from his Tiburon home. Now he is gone. My black dog has long ago wandered away. I know we all would wish we could have helped Robin. Doing what I love helped me.. Not so for poor Mork. RIP
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 00:17:44 +0000

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