Some of you know Nicholas Tse as an actor, starring in Hong Kong - TopicsExpress


Some of you know Nicholas Tse as an actor, starring in Hong Kong films like Gen-X Cops and New Police Story. Some of you may know him as a musician and artist, putting out chart topping singles for the past 15 years. Many of you may not even know him at all. However, aside from being a pop star and HK icon, Tse is actually the CEO of the billion dollar company, Post Production Office Limited, the largest special effects company in Hong Kong. The HKUST Business School conducted an interview and case study on Tse in January and I want to share some of my greatest takeaways from his leadership and inspirational teachings. Nicholas Tse founded Post Production Office Limited in 2003, when he was only 23 years old because he wanted to learn something new and apart from his core business of singing, acting and dancing. He wanted to go into the business of special effects and by utilizing his extensive network in the entertainment industry, he was able to leverage these relationships in order to create an extension of himself and a new business altogether. He encourages others to follow him in learning to grow and develop in areas outside your actual profession without leaving it completely. By seeking ways to link new ideas to what you are already good at, you are given the opportunity to improve your existing strengths while creating new ones entirely. Tse talks about the importance of having the guts to take necessary gambles throughout your career. However, by making sure that these gambles are actually “calculated risks” you create a safety net for yourself to protect your best interests in the long run. When he wanted to start his own business in 2003, he sold his house and took on a large amount of debt in order to get the ball rolling. Having the courage to put everything you have on the line was worth it for him, but he teaches budding entrepreneurs to make sure they are doing it for the right reasons and that they understand what they are getting themselves into before taking such giant leaps. Through Tse’s calculated risks, Post Production Office is now one of the leading special effects companies in Hong Kong with branches opening in Shanghai and Beijing. With respects to leadership and being a good boss in general, Tse stresses the importance of building a strong corporate culture and eliminating strict heirarchies. Together with his staff, he hosts and participates company sporting events, cooking gatherings and even company vacations. An investment in building a happy and strongly connected team is one that yields high returns. After all the fun is over, everyone goes back to work and puts in even more effort because there is such a high level of mutual respect. Tse’s inspirational teachings extend way beyond the concepts of just how to be a good leader. He also talks about the importance of finding your true passion. You have to be honest to yourself and figure out what you actually want to do with your life. ”Really be honest with yourself. Know what you love the most, have the most passion for, and do not lie. You can sleep on a lie forever but then you will never be good enough at it because you don’t love it.” In order to become successful in what you are doing, you have to love it enough to devote and dedicate yourself to it one hundred percent. You need to be willing to make sacrifices for things you may like to make way for the dream that you love, to happen. Finally, Tse touches base on the idea that one should never duplicate or replicate. Rather than following the footsteps and shadows of others, create your own for others to follow - See more at: quotivee/2013/04/leadership-andinspirational-teachings-from-hong-kong-artist-nicholas-tse/#sthash.Nm8HoQ9O.dpuf 「他知道,哭是沒有用的。想成功,靠自己。有機會,搏到盡爭取,並且堅持下去! 」 謝霆鋒為父還債,所以17歲出道,開始了自己的演藝生涯。霆鋒拍第一部片子《古惑仔》系列電影時,他和300多人打打殺殺,因為太過入戲,他不小心踢到了廢鋼鐵,腳立即受傷,血如泉湧。 導演立刻喊停,要送他去醫院。他知道,這一去醫院,勢必要換人,那他的「星途」也許從此就斷了。於是,17歲的他對導演說:「找來300多人不容易,耽誤一天就是好多錢,我能堅持。」於是,他將酒精直接倒在傷口上,再將膠袋包著腳,穿上鞋子繼續拍攝。換了四個膠袋,倒出四袋血,戲拍完時,他幾乎暈倒。 送到醫院,醫生說,再遲來一點,人就玩完了,而且,極有可能得到破傷風。在給他縫針之前,醫生讓他簽生死狀。 在醫生給他縫針時,謝霆鋒就那麼看著,不喊、不叫、不哭,沒有打麻醉針,就那樣一針一針地縫著。一個17歲的少年,知道自己面對的是怎樣的人生。他知道,哭是沒有用的。 最後一針,霆鋒對醫生說:「我來縫!」醫生看著他,他居然笑了︰「沒有嘗試過的人生,我都想嘗試一下。」 這句話多麼豪邁,在場的人震驚了。因為醫生說,如果熬不過去,他也只有四天的生命了,所以,他願意嘗試生命中不曾嘗試的痛,他要給自己縫一針。 從給自己縫針那一天開始,他知道,所有的明天全要靠自己。後來,他一直努力,不停地得獎,終於成為第三十屆香港金像獎的影帝。 想成功,靠自己。有機會,搏到盡爭取,並且堅持下去!
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 17:02:19 +0000

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