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Some of you said you did not see this Article, you only saw the Poll which was attached, so here it is: Since 2007 I have been sounding the alarm regarding Obama, Obamamcare and the fact he and his Administration are lying to us, specifically about Obamacare. A lot of you gave up on me a long time ago, thinking I was some Right-Wing Wacko… and maybe I am but I have now been vindicated. Everything I told you, which you thought was a conspiracy is now bubbling to the surface and I have been right, all along Ironically, it is the arrogance which I have also been ranting about, which is proving to be their undoing. Four days ago I told you about Jonathon Gruber, who was bragging to his Cohorts that they had to lie to the American People because they were too stupid to understand how wonderful Obamacare, is. Not only did Gruber Lie to us, even Nancy Pelosi is STILL Lying today and doubled down by saying she does NOT even know Jonathan Gruber. This is the same Pelosi who has in the past, referred to Gruber by name on video and referred to him as the ARCHITECT of Obamacare, which he was. Suddenly Pelosi has never heard of him; EVERYBODY is lying! They are on tape and they can’t refute it. While I brought this information to you on Monday 11-10-14… I heard it from Rush Limbaugh, 4 hours before it aired on FOX for the 1st time. It was not until this morning, Thursday… that it aired for the 1st time on CBS. ABC and NBC have yet to say anything about it. Oh, I guess I should add… The New York Times and Los Angeles Times, have yet to say anything about these lies and deception. It is not that these News Services do not know about this story yet but they are continuing to cover up for the Administration. While this story only directly affects the Obamacare cover-up, it does not give us any additional truth about “The IRS Scandal”, “Benghazi-gate”, “Fast & Furious”, “Immigration Amnesty” and the countless other scandals in which we have been lied to. For this Administration, lying is a pattern and now we know FOR SURE, it is part of their method of operation. For those of you who are still looking for the truth, you can see the stories and the video on FOX. If you say you can’t trust FOX for the truth, I suggest you do not really want the truth. But as this story gets bigger, it will eventually be forced on the Main Stream Media, such as CBS, which is already reporting it, although timidly. You, in essence are just hiding from the truth. You need to decide just how long you want to keep your head in the sand… it is your choice. Currently, we still live in a free Country. By Wyatt Goodwin
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 22:04:14 +0000

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