Some people need to use their brains the thing inside your head - TopicsExpress


Some people need to use their brains the thing inside your head that The Lord gave you and think before you open your ignorant mouth because sometimes what you say to people affects their minds and heart! Just because you cannot look yourself in the mirror and own what you have said and done gives you no right to spew your vomit and ignorance onto everyone else! Grow up, face your life,the way you have treated people the things you have done and said about your family the people that have tried to have your back and help you when you did not deserve to be helped ! Life isnt just about you, you are not the only one that matters, your not the only one that has suffered or has had health problems and issues. This world is not your oyster, it owes you nothing ,it was here long before you were ! And until you do this you will continue to be a miserable, sad,troublemaking piece of filth wondering around causing other people pain and heartache! People are sick and friggin tired of babying you walking on egg shells around you and pretending that the trash you sling is ok ! Get a dam clue, buy a vowel or something because people are sick of your lies,your whining,your poor pitiful me complex and the drama that is your life and your world! You can continue to live in your head and in your fantasy world where you are the only one with problems or you can grow up, face your shit, own your drama and fix it, or lay down and roll in it! But regardless you can and will keep it out of our life, and away from our door! Life is hard enough without constant stress and aggravation out of so called friends and family constantly causing more and more pain! And if your reading this and are offended then maybe your part of the problem, if your reading this and think its about you, then maybe youve got sthing to think about and its hit a nerve !!?? But regardless I could give less than a dam who it bothers or affects because this is my story and Im sticking to it !!!! ✌️
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 17:59:17 +0000

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