Some updates... it may not have been wise to have bought a whole - TopicsExpress


Some updates... it may not have been wise to have bought a whole box of Tunnocks... Ballot boxes in the Western Isles The plane has landed in Benbecula. If the skies stay clear, the boxes should be collected from Uist and Barra and loaded aboard by midnight - ballots should arrive in Stornoway by 00.30. If the fog closes in again, Plan B is to take them across the Sound of Harris by fishing boat. If the plane can fly, the count will be done by 02:30. If not, the count would be done by 05:00 or 06:00. ( Scottish time). The Mist Maiden is in Scotland....may Uenuku shine through tomorrow Islands flight There were concerns that the count in Stornoway on Lewis could be delayed by fog affecting the plane that was carrying ballot boxes from the other Western Isles. It seems the plane is flying so there is no delay expected - but that could change. And The Kingdom of FIFE! He said Kirkcaldy would be the key part of the region to watch as Yes could do well there, but they would have to be ahead of No by some margin to dent Dunfermline, North East and West Fife where he said the No vote was solid. Yes could do well in Glenrothes due to the town being representated by SNP MSP Patricia Marwick, he added. It has been suggested that the count result here could be later than 04:00 and closer to 06:00. What happens when people are engaged in what they are voting for and are given a vision of a more humane society: It is a huge turnout. Particularly in some of the rural areas. In one of the boxes 100% of the people who have been available to vote have done so. ( No being fined for not voting in Scotland...) Uncharted waters Posted at 00:09 Lib Dem MSP for Shetland, Tavish Scott, told the BBC: The sheer weight of the vote is at a scale that none of us who have stood at elections over a number of years have ever seen before. Thats a good sign but we are therefore in uncharted waters. Former UK Foreign Secretary David Miliband tweets: Wonderful to hear of 80/90 per cent turnouts in Scots have taught us all a lesson in democracy.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 23:36:38 +0000

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