Some will shake their heads, chuckle, heckle, and say I am - TopicsExpress


Some will shake their heads, chuckle, heckle, and say I am fanatical and/or crazy, but, I am going to put it out there and you can do what you want to with this, after I say it...... and, its ok if you think that I am off my rocker. it wont phase me a bit, I am still gonna be Tami. That is all I can be. :P Here goes.... and , feel free to tell me what , if anything you are feeling; agree or disagree. I feel like the Lord is telling me that we , as individuals, and as families, do not need to wait until the need arises, but, we need to be preparing now, for if/ when the need arises. We need to be stockpiling everyday necessities and nonperishable food items that can sustain us , if a time of scarcity arises. Things like cand tuna, cand chicken , cand soups, cand evaporated milk, instant side dish packages. I know some of you are shaking your heads right about now. :D and the list goes on and on. We also know that, in a time of crisis, the first items to fly off of the shelves are Bottled water, matches, lighters, butane, propane, candles, oil for lanterns, batteries, toilet paper, baby wipes, paper towels, flashlights, etc. . We need to stockpile those too . There is no reason on Earth why these things should seem so weird to you; they can all be used at a later date, they will not go bad. It reminds me of the story of the wise virgins and the foolish virgins in the Bible, waiting and not knowing when the Bridegroom will appear. The wise ones prepared ahead of time & the foolish begged if they could borrow oil for their lanterns ;so they missed out, because there wasnt enough to lend them. Think , for a moment, about the ppl that were left after Hurricane Katrina and how FEMA dropped the ball. Think of what it was like for them and how desparate they mustve felt wi/no water, no toiletries, no food, nothing to sleep on, and we are not talking about preparing for a Hurricane, but, when we look at what is going on in this country, in Israel, Iraq, Mexico, France and all over Europe, really, we can agree that this is truly timely. I had to share what I am feeling inside or else I was gonna burst. Plan for a year, pray that it wont be needed for very long, if at all. The Bible tells us not to store up riches on Earth, but, instead, in Heaven; doing things that God tells us to do . Being an example of His Love/Forgiveness to those we encounter. It also says that , when you have done all you can do, then stand , and stand therefore, having your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of Peace, etc. Eph. 6:13 I know that it is a Spiritual preparation, but, we can be wise stewards & prepare by stocking up,we will be better able to handle the upcoming uncertainties. I would not be at all surprised if our Govt would try to ration us and the amounts we would be able to buy, or they might drive the $s so high that not many could afford very much for their families. This is one time when I would rather be wrong than right.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 20:47:55 +0000

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