Something as a Massage Therapist I see a lot of and do deal with - TopicsExpress


Something as a Massage Therapist I see a lot of and do deal with personally do to repetitive motion use. What is Shoulder Tendonitis/Bursitis? Shoulder tendonitis and shoulder bursitis are terms often used to indicate inflammation within the shoulder joint, either to the tendons of the rotator cuff or the bursa, the fluid filled sac surrounding the tendons. When the tendons and bursa become inflamed, a thickening occurs causing difficulty with movement of the shoulder joint without pain and stiffness. The cause and symptoms of these conditions are similar to and likely the same as those of shoulder impingement, since they are caused by an impingement of some kind within the shoulder joint itself. With rest, ice and no over head usage typically symptoms head, in more severe cases always check with your physician, occasional steroid injections may help with pain and X-ray or MRI may be necessary to help search foe underlying causes such as bone spurs. Typically Dr. May prescribe anti-inflammatory medication and recommend Physical Therapy after inflammation to increase and regain strength. Rest rest rest but keep in use to prevent frozen shoulder.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 04:07:11 +0000

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