Something happened today at work that filled my heart up while - TopicsExpress


Something happened today at work that filled my heart up while also fractuaring it. I cant use names or locations inside the facility that i was at so bear with me. A wife and husband in there late 60s were visiting for an appointment for him. As they pulled up in there vehicle I had to help the gentleman out of the passenger side into a wheelchair, the whole time Im watching his wife get more and more emotional as i saw some tears start welling up in her eyes. As the compassion was rising in my heart I asked her what was wrong and she then told me that her husband would say they were waiting on there son to arrive to accompany them to the appointment but in truth there son had lost his life just a year ago in a terrible accident, but at every appointment the husband would be waiting for him to show up. As the wife is telling me this she continues to say how i reminded her of her son.....he would help the husband in the same way and use the same words that i had used to put them at ease. She then gave me a hug and said thank you for reminding her that there are young men who still care for there well being. I almost lost my composure at that point. She then asked me what I wanted to do in life so I continued to tell her Im pursuing an eventual masters in family psychology. Which brought on fresh tears and laughing and another hug from her, finally telling me her son had been a marriage counselor. While we are saying this the husband is watching me the whole time and in the end says i remind him of his son, and that his son would be arriving soon so we could meet. Im not really sure of the meaning of this story for anybody reading it besides me but it was just a reminder to me from my heavenly Father that Im in exactly the right space, growing and maturing at exactly the right speed. My co worker might joke with me that Im truly a 30 year old with how I think and do things but I live for opportunities that Ive gotten in my small full time position here at UT Southwestern Medical Facility. Its the beginning of my journey towards the future God has for me, and He will surround me with those that will encourage and walk with me through this new journey. In his timing. God bless you all!
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 05:06:14 +0000

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