Something to think about... Obama has been trying to destroy us - TopicsExpress


Something to think about... Obama has been trying to destroy us from within since he took office. He has pushed for an economic collapse and we are close but somehow manage to keep holding on. He has tried to disarm us and went after our Veterans the hardest in his attempts. Our Veterans have been trained to take care of business. Unlike me or most Americans we have never been put in a position to kill or be killed by another human. We have no real training to help us react in situations that are life threatening. Our Veterans will be our greatest asset when the SHTF and war is brought to our soil. Make friends with as many Veterans as you can, listen to them and follow their lead. They have fought for us and will fight again when necessary. You will not find the knowledge they carry in books. Do not be fooled by their age or the wars they have fought they are men and women of honor, they will stand strong and help us. Obama has tried to push for a race war and failed. He has tried to set democrats against republicans and has failed. Now that he sees he can not start a physical war here with Americans fighting Americans he is doing his damnedest to start WWIII. Is he just trying to secure his position in the White House before the American people revolt against him and physically remove him from office. Is he trying to push for the destruction of our country knowing his time in office could be limited. Is he setting us up for the NWO to take over the country? No matter how you look at this there is no pretty picture and no easy way out.
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 17:14:03 +0000

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