Something you may not know about me: twenty years before Sandy - TopicsExpress


Something you may not know about me: twenty years before Sandy Hook, to the DAY, there was a shooting in my high school. On my daughters very first day of kindergarten, I was riding home from lunch and saw I had several FB messages from people asking, Is Maeby OK?? Whats going on at the school?? I heard there was a shooter nearby! You can imagine that sudden, debilitating fear I felt, the pit-in-the-stomach kind that makes a person unable to form rational thought. I fumbled with my phone as I tried to explain to my husband that something was going on at the school and I wasnt sure what. I misdialed the number numerous times before I got through. A chipper secretary answered and it was all I could do to not scream, is my child safe?! Turned out, the police had ordered all schools in my district to a lockout, not lockdown, just to keep anyone from entering, as an apartment near the high school (which isnt terribly close to the primary school) was thought to house a wanted murderer, and they wanted to go looking for the guy. They wanted to be safe and not sorry. But the damage was done. I already suffered from panic and anxiety. That was the proverbial nail in the coffin. I went to therapy, where I was diagnosed with PTSD. We never got counseling after that shooting in high school. I never dealt with it properly. And the links in the chain were laid out. The reason I tell you this is that Id like to help some Sandy Hook kids to heal. I want to give away some Worry Monsters to kids who really could use them. I need suggestions, thoughts, comments to make that happen. I dont have money to donate. I cant act as a therapist. But I can draw. I CAN make a kid happy.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 02:45:16 +0000

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