Sometime last summer Dave Knob and I watched the movie The Secret. - TopicsExpress


Sometime last summer Dave Knob and I watched the movie The Secret. I found it fascinating, but didnt agree with all of the methods (sending your request to the universe). I prefer to send my requests to God as the father of all of the universe. Anyway, we adapted a few of the ideas, mostly because we are positive thinkers and really like the idea of staying positive. We made a dream board, and started allowing ourselves to dream again. I even started wishing for small things that Ive always wanted. Some of those things were just passing thoughts like I would love to have a bread machine, or Ive always wanted a matching bedroom set. One thing that has been a dream of mine and was the first picture I put on my dream board was to go to Uganda on a mission to love on the orphans there. All of this being said, we had no money.... We still are struggling to repay certain debts weve incurred in the past 10+ years. Opting to pay them, has been a difficult decision, but God is supplying all of our needs. On August 1st (16 years after we moved into our new house). We received the gift of new (to us) bedroom furniture. Thanks to my cousin Janet Giebler. We also received a brand new bread machine from her as well. This was a real God send. (Except for the 5-7 pounds weve both gained) :D. One last thing. Earlier in this last week I read a post from Chandra Clymer-Middleton asking if anyone would be interested in going on a mission trip next year got it Uganda to love on the Orphans. I have no idea how we will pay for this, but Im absolutely sure God wants us to go. The bottom line is, you dont need money to receive the things you want or need. All you need to do is ask. Thanks to all of those who are making some of my dreams come true, especially my God of the universe.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 15:27:08 +0000

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