Sometimes I get upset enough that I write letters, which I think - TopicsExpress


Sometimes I get upset enough that I write letters, which I think all of us should do more often. The story I read below prompted me to write this to one of our state school board members: Mr. Wagner, My name is Arch Grieve and Im a teacher at the Dayton Regional STEM School and a board member for Xenia Community Schools. I think the 5 of 8 rule is an important one and frankly I believe the justification for getting rid of it is disingenuous on the part of some of the state board of education members. Im very sorry to hear that the Ohio School Boards Association, an organization that purports to represent me, is supporting their efforts to do this. Greater flexibility for local districts (in this instance at least) is a euphemism for cutting. Many districts only have these teachers because theyre required by the state to do so, and instead of tackling the challenge of the unconstitutional funding scheme currently utilized by the state for funding our school system, they continue to selectively lessen the required courses/teachers for schools so districts can more easily get rid of them when push comes to shove. Its a race to the bottom. Efforts to remove these minimum requirements are viewed by myself and many other teachers I know and work with as a way for the state to (very selectively) reduce the number of unfunded mandates they require of schools so that they can more easily justify not funding them. No one mentioned having more local control when they increased the graduation requirements for US History and Government courses while getting rid of World History as a required course for graduation. I believe, as I hope that you do, that the thorough and efficient requirements stipulated in our states constitution are equally important and that neither should be sacrificed in favor of the other. Instead of trying to figure out what we can cut, the conversation we should be having is figuring out how to responsibly fund the level of education our students deserve. When our school system went through a round of cutting during a budget crunch in the past few years, I am certain that this requirement kept some music and art teachers in the district, which ultimately benefited our students. A vote for removing this wording would simply make it easier for the state to argue that it is balancing the budget, when in reality the budget is being balanced by local school districts, not by those in Columbus. Please dont succumb to those who argue that they are doing the right thing in the name of restoring local control. In reality, this is not whats best for the students across our state. Thanks for taking the time to hear people out, and I greatly respect you walking out of the meeting this month when shameful procedural tricks were played on those who sought to make their voices heard. Kudos to you in that regard and thank you for figuratively and literally listening to the people of the State of Ohio. Lastly, these are my views alone and not the views of the board on which I serve, which has not yet had a chance to discuss this issue. Im copying them to encourage them to share their own opinions on this issue with you as well. Im also copying the OSBA legislative liaison so he understands that this is not an issue on which there is broad agreement on the part of school board members across the state. I believe OSBA has not adequately sought out the opinion of its members on this issue before lobbying on their behalf. Feel free to use my remarks by name in any future meetings you may have on this topic. Respectfully, Arch Grieve World History and Economics Teacher at the Dayton Regional STEM School and Xenia School Board Member Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. -Martin Luther King, Jr.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 20:52:01 +0000

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