Sometimes people say some things in the music scene that make - TopicsExpress


Sometimes people say some things in the music scene that make absolutely no sense to me. No, I dont have an album or CD out after 20 years of being a musician, and I havent played any gigs, but its because when I do, it will be the best ever. And you will hear the best guitar solo ever recording on my record. Your art is nothing without a medium and without a way for people to appreciate it, whether it provokes them to vomit, lambaste or laud it. Even if the business sucks and it is understandable you dont want your livelihood to rest on it, for Gods sake man.. do something and put it out there somewhere. At least you have produced something. There are people out there that could sell their farts in a jar and they are rich. There are brilliant artists that have been very prolific who are largely panned. I have more respect for the latter than the former but zero respect for the arrogant maestros of the world who show nothing. Is it fear of success or failure? Who cares! Get over yourself. Its not my business what anyone thinks of me or what I do as an artist, but it is interesting. Mostly it is important to me to put something out there, that is all. And try not to spew negativity, but I digress. I have contradicted myself, like any creative type does. We struggle with decisions and intuition, its the artists way of uncovering a thing until the instinct confirms it is a thing. The important thing is you have done your best, in whatever arena you are in artistically.. if you are a painter… you hang it on a wall. Not for you to be the beholder… but for SOMEONE to behold it. If you havent done that because your self-critique or standards are so high, or the recording technology or whatever is not accessible you are not an artist. And you are despicable if you fancy yourself one and make art for own hobby or enjoyment and still announce yourself as an artist. Art is meant to be an expression of your soul, an abstraction of something tangible or intangible that inspired you and is transmuted or fleshed out, sometimes in collaborative effort as a bold act of chemistry and intuition with like minded people. Or sometimes solely. But it is not to be horded. If it is your craft, you either do it for the love of it and share it or work hard to make the proper business alliances and mutual cooperation to reach a wider audience with whatever you are trying to say. Dont mumble that you havent done anything but when you do it will be the best whatever. You are no artist. An artist understands that he is only the conduit or vessel trying to uncover something unseen. If you are gifted and not using your talent, that goes against human nature. Its sad to meet an opera singer stuck behind a walmart cashier booth, but trying.. so… try something. I am waiting for it, to be changed by it. Find the courage to create, hit the shiny red button. I cant believe talented people would waste their gifts, borde them, or worse.. try to do something but copy someone else instead of using their own unique and distinctive aspects of their creativity and talent. Ok. Thats my rant of the day lol… had to get that out.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 21:27:18 +0000

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