Sometimes the people that make you laugh the most in life learned - TopicsExpress


Sometimes the people that make you laugh the most in life learned to laugh through their pain! They make others laugh and be happy as thats the only way that they can maintain. Its a struggle as you feel exhausted no matter what you do or how much you rest! Its easier to blame it one everything else in life besides the fact that you are seriously depressed. The pressure continues to mount causing you to finally hit your brink... Oh how Id feel so much better if I only had a drink! The demon has now won this war as that one drink now starts to lead to more and more! You see life is no mathematical equation as two negatives equaling a positive is not necessarily the situation. A depressed person abusing a depressant rarely makes one pleasant!!! It takes a big person to admit that they feel alone and are in such a dark place. Theres no fast and easy way to beat these demons as its a long tedious and daunting marathon of a race!!! R.I.P Robin Williams as this is not necessarily a tribute to you, its a tribute to myself and everyone that can relate to what youve been through!!! Depression is an illness that is very real, its a misconception to believe that you can ALWAYS control how you feel!!! Just remember that if youre ever alone in the dark waiting for some sort of light to glisten, stop waiting and ask for help as theres always someone willing to listen. Thanks to my kids, my wife, my friends, and my family for always being there for me as without them there would be no Chad LaGasse!!!
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 01:22:47 +0000

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