Songs of the season... A great thing has been accomplished this - TopicsExpress


Songs of the season... A great thing has been accomplished this evening: autumn has been put away and winterisation has begun. Technically, autumn ended at the stroke of midnight as 30 November gave way to 1 December, but 1 December was a Monday, and Monday evening was occupied. As was Tuesday evening. And since this weekend is also occupied--well be out of town and friends will be housesitting--to leave autumn up until the second week of December is really quite unseemly. Worse: leaving it up and having friends have to endure autumn in December. And so, after working, after gymming, after running, after eating dinner, I gathered up autumn and put her into the big plastic bins that live under the stairs. (Images of Hades taking Persephone to the underworld come to mind.) And while under the stairs, I decided to pull out a modicum of Christmas decor so that the house is a bit festive this weekend. Amazing what a few scented candles and fake holly berries can do to a place...and to a mood. Feeling a trifle festive. Today being International Day of the Basque Language, heres a Baque carol, Birjina Gaztetto Bat Zegoen. When I first heard this song, in English as Gabriels Message, I fell in love with it. Its been an all-time favourite carol. I didnt know it was of originally Basque until a few years ago. Basque is an amazing language, believed to be one of the few surviving Pre-Indo-European languages left in Europe. Whereas most languages have relatives, Basque is unique. No other language is like it. Its origins are a mystery. And in the season of Mysteries, it seems fitting that a Great Mystery is sung in such a mysteries language. _______ Birjina Gaztetto Bat Zegoen Birjina gaztetto bat zegoen Kreazale Jaonaren othoitzen, Nuiz etaingürü bat lehiatü Beitzen zelütik jaitxi Mintzatzera haren. Aingüria sartzen, diolarik: «Agur, graziaz zira betherik, Jaona da zurekin, benedikatü Zira eta haitatü Emazten gañetik». Maria ordian dülüratü, Eta bere beithan gogaratü Zeren zian uste gabe ebtzüten Hura agur erraiten. Hanbat zen lotsatü. «Etzitela, ez, lotsa, Maria; Jinkoatan bathüzü grazia: Zük düzü sabelian ernatüren, Eta haor bat sorthüren Jesüs datiana». Harek, dülüratürik, harzara: «Bena nula izan daite hola, Eztüdanaz gizunik ezagützen, Ez eta ezagütüren Batere seküla?». «Ezpiritü saintiak huntia Izanen düzü hori, Maria». Zü zirateke, ber ordian, ama Bai etere birjina, Mündian bakhoitza. Mariak arrapostü ordian: «Hao naizü Jinkoren zerbütxian, Zük errana nitan biz konplitü». Jaona aragitü Haren sabelian. O Jinkoaren ama saintia, Bekhatügilen ürgaitzarria, Zük gitzatzü lagünt, bai Jinkoaren, Baita berthütiaren Bihotzez maithatzen. https://youtube/watch?v=u9VTT8xi3RQ
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 14:25:29 +0000

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