Soo Im kind of sorta hesitant to post this thing or, rather more - TopicsExpress


Soo Im kind of sorta hesitant to post this thing or, rather more nervous/anxious, but I suppose here goes nothing. Dear APSA, I feel like this should be shared. Whether to benefit future members of the community, current members or even alumni, Id like to take some time to say something. Please dont mind the length I apparently had a lot to say.. (its Good things, dont worry! ) To preface this a bit: for those who dont know, I am someone who left school three years ago and only returned this quarter. As such I returned to something completely foreign. Everyone I had known and grown with in my first 3 years in UCSD were gone - graduated and moved away. Not only this but I also came back still somewhat hurt from a failed relationship. So, upon coming back and knowing..nobody.. not being familiar with anything, finding a lot of things on campus having changed.. it was a shock. It was hard, it was tough, it was lets just say it: depressing. Depressing for obvious reasons as listed above. Depressing because I was again entering a new environment all over, and it was scary. Yes, I had more experience and knew how to handle me and school, but it was still a tough adjustment. But this adjustment got better every week. And it was because of you guys: APSA. Whether it was GBMs or food runs or study jams or HSC meetings, or collectives, or whatever, the simple fact that APSA as a space welcomed someone who is (sometimes) overly cynical and jaded is amazing and highly appreciated. Now anyone who knows me or who has been been around me knows Im not one to speak my mind or feelings or thoughts overtly or often. (I tend to keep it to myself or bottle it up, but this is different) And while I do feel a bit guilty about it especially when having discussions or topics during GBMs please dont take it as a non interest. There are a handful that Ive talked and discussed some of the GBM topics with outside GBMs. Its a simple matter of not being completely 100% comfortable to contribute my thoughts. It sounds redundant in my wanting to praise APSAs openness and friendliness but that confidence comes with time, and the fact that Im able to type this as an open letter to you all shows and tells how much has changed in just this quarter alone. But I want to reiterate and praise our current board leadership now. For highlighting the model minority myth, cultural appropriation, acceptance of others, the promotion of our other student resource centers on campus to potential future topics like, LGBT community, retention, other cultures in the community, or even something akin to the promotion of education to those who feel its out of reach (Yes referencing HSC here). I state this to talk to the newer and younger members that these topics are important and one of the only times in your lives that youll have people all around you actively seeking and fighting for these issues. So take advantage of the upper heads, of the officers, of the resources on campus. And take it from someone who had learned about these issues from another SAAC - Associated org. Take it from someone who, when he was in your shoes, his first year, took it for granted, but learned, or rather realized by the end of his second year just how crucial and impact-full said issues are. Such issues are important and help foster personal growth and growth for your greater community! So again please please try to take to heart and own them. Realize these issues are all around you and affect you in some form every day. And while I got a little off topic there its something that needs to be stated and kept in mind. Anywayyys.. Ive known you all for less than a quarter. Just about 9 weeks now, and I want to say its been nothing short of simple amazement. The fact that Im comfortable enough to post this publicly for everyone to see tells it all. So thank you all! Thank you all for making someone whos felt lost and disjointed from communities for a long long time feel welcomed and accepted. Thank you for harvesting a space in which all are welcome. Thank you for making the space welcoming and friendly, and genuinely doing so as well. Thank you for allowing the creation of bonds that might not otherwise have ever been forged. Thank you for teaching. Thank you for educating. Thank you for learning. Thank you for the hard work and effort. Thank you for the care. Thank you for the kindness. Thank you for the love. Thank you for the laughs, the smiles, the delight . Thank you for the fun, the enjoyment, the elation. Thank you for the support, the acceptance, thank you for being amazing. Thank you all for being such amazing, kind, and thoughtful individuals.. for being such awesome and loving people! I realize now that this post can tie in pretty well with thanksgiving in 4 days but its merely a happy coincidence. Its just after 3 amazing days With/around APSA I cant help but feel like something needed to be said and how grateful I am yo have you all in my life. From having such a crappy week/quarter to having an amazing last 3 days at work parties and HSC, it feels fitting for me to shout out to each and every one of you that I appreciate and care about you and am glad to be able to consider APSA a new family. So for all those who have made these last couple months simply more than I could have ever expected thank you. Im seriously gonna have withdrawals this week after spending so much time with you all and in the space... so hit me up! Suppose Ill end it here with a tl; dr since Im not exactly sure (anymore) what my main point for this was.. buuttt... TL; DR since i doubt anyone will read this after seeing its length... Thank you APSA for being an amazing space that helps foster social, political, and communal growth and for being so welcoming to make it the space a second family. A grateful and humbled individual, Chris P.S. I just realized I spent a good hour or so typing this up when I should have been sleeping or studying! lol
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 08:15:35 +0000

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