yall remember my issues with Comcast where THEY - TopicsExpress

   yall remember my issues with Comcast where THEY made a mistake with my package deal by downgrading my package without my consent THEN charged me for it, when I noticed I wasnt getting certain channels or able to record, rewind, etc I called & got the run around, they ended up changing it back but it was $25 more than what I was originally paying so I called DirectTV .......weeellll......Direct TV came out to install & youll never believe this......YEP, no line of sight for the dish, no installation, no DTV, do not pass go, do not collect $200. 😠 So I called At&t AGAIN, still no service in my area and this heiffer is STUCK with some B.S. Comcast! So I called today & once again explained the situation to the Un-Loyalty Dept. And after much insistance that THEY were in the wrong, Arturo reviewed my phone call back on Dec 12th & agreed that the downgrade was NOT my fault, I should NOT have been charged a downgrade fee OR an upgrade fee, which totaled $15 and I should have been given the original package back for the same price as I had to begin with because it WAS THEIR fault!!! So Arturo changed my services back to what it originally was, made it retroactive to the beginning of December, took the down/upgrade fees off AND gave me a $10 per month credit for the remaining 5 months on that initial contract!! 👍👏👌 BUT WAIT....IT GETS BETTER, WAAAAY BETTER.....I just got a call from Arturo. He wanted to inform me that he decided, out of curiosity after we hung up, to do a little investigating & pulled all of my RECORDED calls to them & he said took note of the lack of respect I was given and in light of my many calls to resolve the situation he acknowledged how I was constantly interupted, talked over & talked down to, the the utter uncaring responses & total disregard of the actual matter at hand by trying to constantly upsell more products to me when I clearly stated numerous times no thank you! So on behalf of Comcast he would like to extend the current deal to me for another 12 mos past May for any inconvienence and stress this may have caused me because they DO value me as a customer & feel I was not treated as such, which I had actually stated to the last 2 Reps I dealt with IN the Loyalty AND the Resolution Depts! PLUS his supervisor came on to speak with me & wanted to inform me that EVERY agent I spoke with on & since Dec 12 will be dealt with appropriately, whether demoted, terminated or receiving extensive additional training! HOW DO YA LIKE THAT?!!? I was the squeaky wheel and I got the oil I deserved!! SLAM DUNK FOR KELS!!!
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 22:00:45 +0000

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