Sorry for this but if i dont get this off my chest I think I will - TopicsExpress


Sorry for this but if i dont get this off my chest I think I will spontaneously combust. As many of you already my only sibling decided many years ago to seperate herself and her family from me, my girls and my parents. Since my Dad came to live with me she hasnt come to visit him once! No letters, no cards, no phone calls. And his grand daughters and great grand children, 2 of which he never met, didnt have any contact with my Dad either. Only his youngest grandaughter rang twice and didnt bother again. He cried so many tears over their lack of interest in him. He often asked me what he had done to make them stop loving him and the answer is HE DID NOTHING WRONG. They are just cold and heartless. And to put the icing on the cake, after me ringing my sister to tell her that Dad had passed away and being ignored and texting to tell her to ring me and being ignored, we arrived at the chapel for Dads funeral to see my sisters husband there ALONE Not one of them came to show their respects or to say goodbye. Between the 9 of them they gave one pathetic little bunch of flowers and a card signed by my sister. So they all knew and even in death no1 found an ounce of decency in them to attend his funeral. I am disgusted and hurt for my Dad and from here on in they do not belong to my family! My family are full of love and kindness and support for one another so they would never fit in. Good riddence to bad rubbish! RANT OVER
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 15:31:58 +0000

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