Sorry in advance this is going to be a lengthy post! First, the - TopicsExpress


Sorry in advance this is going to be a lengthy post! First, the gift exchange was a success! for the most part beside someone not showing up to drop off their gift and a couple of individuals that havent picked up yet. but still a success! Yay! Good job team! People seemed to enjoy it, we will debrief more during our physical meeting next week Second, for those of us that were there today and got yelled at by that lady about not reserving a table, we were granted a password half an hour ago! So now we can abide by the rules and use a real table for future tabling. Next, Im thinking we should table this coming Monday just outside the HUB and have a sign and tell people about our club if they are curious. It will just be to tell people about us and what we do and want to do. I will be working on a script to help whoever is tabling explain what exactly we do, I will make it a google doc and open it so that everyone can see and edit it and I will print it Monday morning so we can leave it at the table. Im thinking about maybe going to campus tomorrow or sunday to make buttons for the club so we can hand them out at the table if people want one, I will probably also bring snacks just because I have SO MANY snacks in my possession and people love snacks so we can offer them to people too, which would be nice cause nobody likes Mondays :P We decided that it will be mandatory to table on monday even if it is only for a little bit, and hopeful we can have it be 10-3 or 11-3 I will most likely be there to set up but I might not be able to break down and pack up. We will only table on Monday, as of right now, and it is only for the purpose of getting our name out there. I think people are really curious about us. We got a lot of looks and second glances so this may improve our popularity and promote us for future endeavors. If you are new we would like you to table also, but only with an older member like thats been here doing stuff, so we can figure that out too, but still sign up like the rest of us. Also, for older members that were active last quarter dont forget that we will be having bonding this Sunday, more information will be in our original message group maybe by tomorrow like address and time and what we will do for food, etc. Lastly(finally), PLEASE fill out the When2Meet so we can have a real meeting this coming week. We need to talk about events for this quarter, maybe getting shirts, the dance competition if we are interested, and any new ideas or business. Thats it! Thanks for the attention! Have a great weekend! Ill see some of you Sunday or maybe tomorrow if anyone wants to help, but definitely most of you on Monday! P.S. stuff will slowly become available as I get them set up, sorry Im not more prepared
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 23:33:44 +0000

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