Source: In a painfully stunning metaphor for - TopicsExpress


Source: In a painfully stunning metaphor for America’s retreat from world leadership, Barack Obama was noticeably absent from the demonstrations in Paris today. You don’t expect him to miss the NFL playoff games, do you? He told us he spends all morning watching ESPN, which is probably his highest and best use. Also absent: Joe Biden, John “Lurch” Kerry, and the U.S. Ambassador to France, who as we know not only speaks French, but looks French. (On second thought, it probably was a wise decision not to send Biden.) He did send lame duck Attorney General Eric Holder, and if you can think of a better choice to attend an event showing opposition to Islamic terrorism, I’d like to see it. After all, Mr. Holder’s law firm represented Gitmo detainees slime, and he was instrumental in getting some FALN terrorists pardoned by Bill Clinton. Does Obama’s September 2012 speech at the U.N. shed some light on the reason for his absence? Does the fact that he not only can’t bring himself to say the words “Islamic terrorism,” but insists on making lame remarks about “senseless violence” give us a clue? Of course, it’s not like Barry and the geniuses that surround him aren’t doing anything about the extremely dangerous world we live in. The White House has announced a summit against “violent extremism” to be held February 18. What kind of “violent extremism” exactly? Lutheran extremism? Hindu extremism? Buddhist extremism? Whatever. That should fix everything! I can just see it now. “Break into your individual study groups and we’ll meet up after lunch.” Just the way they did it at the university. Will there be a special breakout session on the dangers of the Tea Party? The One has bigger fish to fry, like trying to gin up hero worship for him from backward children, and other low-information people by offering them “free” stuff, courtesy of U.S. taxpayers. Are you prepared to spend $500 per year, per family to educate other people’s kids? And as usual, when he announced this moronic idea in front of that ubiquitous human wallpaper, he read a nonsensical statement from his PrompTer. “She’s a Pistol,” in our 2nd Amendment Update. “Let’s Move” has a new executive director, a “food justice activist.” But don’t worry. She assures us that she’s not ideological. And lots more, of course, including any breaking news. Be ahead of the curve! Hear it today on The Teri O’Brien Show. Hear it somewhere else tomorrow. Tune in today for the rest of the story. - See more at:
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 04:08:53 +0000

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