Speak to The Mountain Speak to The Mountain In this article: - TopicsExpress


Speak to The Mountain Speak to The Mountain In this article: For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he says shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he says [Mark 11:23, Matthew 21:21, Matthew 17:20, Luke 17:6]. 1. Speak to The Mountain 2. Authority and The Whosoever Clause 3. What Will You Do With the Mountain? 4. Faith Confessions What is a MOUNTAIN in a believers life? The mountain is the PROBLEM in your life. The mountain is anything that is adverse or contrary to the Word of God for your life. A mountain is anything that is a barrier to you completing Gods Will. A mountain is anything that is slowing down or impeding your progress in the Kingdom of God. Many believers spend time praying to God about their mountain. They describe the mountain in full detail to God. They inform God of the exact dimensions of the mountain. They cry and moan to God about what a hindrance or impossibility the mountain is in their life. Some people even use the MOUNTAIN as an excuse for nonperformance in their Christian life. Some people make up doctrines and traditions about God, to justify why the mountain is still in their life. Many believers will pray to God for Him to speak to their mountain. God will never do what he has commanded you to do. You pray to God to receive what Jesus has made available to you [Mark 11:24]. It is your responsibility to speak to the mountain in your life. Praying and fasting will not move a mountain. Prayer and fasting deals with unbelief or lack of confidence in Gods Word [Matthew 17:20-21, Mark 9:28-29, Mark 16:14, Luke 8:25, Mark 4:39-41, Matthew 8:24, Matthew 16:8, Mark 8:15, Matthew 14:30]. Many people get into natural unbelief by what they see, hear, touch, smell, taste or even feel. You must not allow natural unbelief to be a counter weight to your faith [Matthew 17:20]. Your spirit man must not be dominated by your unregenerated fallen flesh [Romans 5:5-8, Galatians 5:16, Ephesians 4:22-24, Colossians 3:9]. You must sow to the Spirit and reap life [Galatians 6:7]. Prayer is about your relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Prayer will increase your confidence about your relationship with God. Prayer is how you receive from God [Matthew 7:8, Matthew 21:22, Mark 11:24, John 16:23-24, Matthew 26:41]. Fasting food doesnt move God, it moves you. Fasting food takes you out of the natural realm and helps you to be sensitive to the spiritual realm of God. Fasting forces your flesh to submit to your spirit man. God becomes your total source. You live by the Word of God alone [Matthew 4:3-4]. Fasting retrains or disciplines you body to listen to your spirit man. You tell your body to line up with the Word of God and it obeys you. Your spirit man dominates your body or fallen flesh. Pray does the same thing. Prayer disciplines your flesh to submit to your spiritual man. You pray to God, who you can not see, hear, taste, smell, and touch [Matthew 6:9, John 20:28]. Prayer trains your flesh to submit to your spiritual man. Pray and fasting are spiritual disciplines. Prayer and fasting [Matthew 17:21, Mark 9:29] will move you into a more confident [faithful] position to speak to the mountain [Matthew 17:21, Matthew 21:21, Mark 11:23]. Jesus didnt tell us to pray to God about our mountain. He said for us to speak to the mountain; speak to the mountain in His Name. Jesus didnt tell us to IGNORE or DENY the mountain or problem. We are not to say, I dont have a mountain or what problem? We are not to practice positive thinking and say over and over; I can climb over that mountain, I will go around that mountain, it want stop me. A positive attitude is always good. But a positive attitude is not what Jesus said to do with mountains. Jesus said to speak to the mountain or problem and tell it to be moved [Mark 11:23, Matthew 21:21]. Jesus said that any believer can tell a mountain, You be lifted up and thrown into the sea [NLT], or Go, throw yourself into the sea [NIV], or Go jump in the lake -no shuffling or shilly-shallying-and its as good as done [Message]. Jesus says, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, move from here to there, and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you [Matthew 17:20]. A believer [not a doubter], can say to the mountain [problem] be moved to some other dimension that I dont inhabit. Jesus gives instructions concerning the mountain or problem It is the believers responsibility to: 1. to believe that you RECEIVE when you pray [Mark 11:24, Matthew 21:21] 2. to SPEAK to the mountain or problem you have; rebuke, give directions to the problem, and cast out the problem from you body, circumstance, or environment [Mark 11:23, Matthew 21:21, Matthew 17:20, Luke 17:6, Mark 16:17, Luke 11:20, Matthew 12:28]. 3. to SAY what you want to come to pass, into existence [ginomai] [Mark 11:23]. It shall be done [ginomai], according to Gods Word [Matthew 21:21]. O woman, great is your faith! Let it be [ginomai] to you as you desire [Matthew 15:28]. And Jesus said unto the centurion, Go thy way; and as thou hast believed, be it done unto thee [ginomai] [Matthew 8:13]. Jesus promises it will be done [Matthew 21:21], it shall come to pass [Mark 11:23], it will obey you [Luke 17:6], and it will move [Matthew 17:20]. Jesus says that it is the believers responsibility to speak to the mountain. If you dont speak to your mountain, your mountain will SPEAK to you. Authority and The Whosoever Clause Great faith in God is demonstrated by understanding the relationship between the spoken word and authority. The Roman centurion demonstrated understanding of this principle by saying to Jesus; I am a man under authority, having soldiers under me. I say to this man, Go, and he goes; and to another, Come, and he comes; and to my servant, Do this, and he does it [Matthew 8:9]. The centurion then said, but say in a word, and my servant shall be healed [Luke 7:7]. Jesus was amazed at the centurions grasp of the concept of authority in relationship to the Law of Faith [Romans 3:27]. The centurion only needed Jesus word to receive healing for his servant. Many Christians do not understand their God given authority through Jesus Christ. The scripture says that Jesus was amazed, astonished, or marveled. Look at Jesus response to the Roman Centurions statement, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel [Matthew 8:10, Luke 7:7]. Authority is exhibited by speaking. You speak to persons or things that you have authority over. You dont ask or plead; you direct and require. You exhibit faith when you speak to things instead of asking God to speak for you. When you speak instead of asking, you demonstrate an understanding of Gods Word. You cant walk with God unless you agree with His Word [Amos 3:3]. Faith involves you placing confidence in Gods spoken word and responding to it. The God-like faith will demonstrate itself by speaking and trusting Gods word [Faith of God]. You will show an understanding of Gods divine order, will, and authority when you place trust in Gods spoken word and respond. Jesus gave the twelve authority to heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, and cast out devils [Matthew 10:1, 10:8, Matthew 16:18-19, Luke 9:1, Supernatural Acts of the Disciples]. Jesus gave the seventy authority in [Luke 10:1, 10:9, Luke 10:19]. Jesus has given you authority with the whosoever clause of Mark 11:23. Today, we already have Jesus word on the matter of healing. Jesus says if you are a believer and not a doubter; if you believe that those things you say will be done; then he says you can have whatever you say. Why do so many people believe the whosoever clause of John 3:16, but not the whosoever clause of Mark 11:23? You demonstrate faith when you speak according to Gods Word, instead of: 1. Praying and asking God to speak for you. 2. Praying and asking God to send someone else to speak for you. Many believers are still saying to God I am not worthy to have you come into my home [Matthew 8:8]. Jesus did not marvel at this statement. Jesus never said to the Centurion he wasnt worthy to have him come to his home. Jesus went to visit many people who were not thought well of in society, or had questionable character [Luke 19:7, Matthew 9:11, John 4:9]. In fact the statement of the Centurion is not biblically true. Believers in Christ Jesus have the righteousness which is through the faith of Christ [Philippians 3:9 ]. We have been justified through faith by our Lord Jesus Christ [Romans 5:1, Galatians 2:16, Romans 3:28, Galatians 3:24]. Here are more references of whosoever scriptures given by Jesus Christ [Mark 11:23, John 3:15-16, John 4:14, John 11:26, John 12:46]. What Will You Do With the Mountain? And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith-pistis in God. For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt-diakrino in his heart, but shall believe-pisteuo, that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith [Mark 11:22-23, See also Faith of God]. 1. I will speak to the mountain (problem) and direct it to be removed [Mark 11:23]. I will speak to the mountain (problem) before the mountain speaks to me. I will use the God-like faith that speaks to the mountain to be removed, because faith has something to say [2 Corinthians 4:13]. I refuse to be faithless or doubt and talk about the mountain. 2. I will speak the life giving, spiritual words of Jesus [John 6:63]. My tongue will speaks life and not death [Proverbs 18:21]. I will sow to the Spirit and shall of the Spirit reap life [Galatians 6:8]. I will confess [homologeo-Romans 10:9] what God says about my situation. My words are the working, productive [energeō] Word of God [James 5:16]. Jesus said by my words, I will be justified and by my words I will be condemned. I will not allow my mouth to utter idle [argos] lazy, free from labor, not working words. I will use the Word of God with my mouth. My heart overflows with faith and my mouth speaks faith [Matthew 12:34-37]. 3. I will use my authority by speaking to any problem that is stopping Gods will in my life [Luke 10:19]. 4. I do not ask or beg, but I will require and demand Gods will to be accomplished for anything that I have authority over [Mark 16:17]. What Will be Your Heart Condition? 5. I will not doubt-diakrino Gods Word in my mind and cause my heart to doubt. I will recognize when I am divided or make a separation in my thoughts from the Word of God. I will not be like a wave in the sea going back and forth in my mind from confidence to no confidence in Gods Word. I realize according to James 1:6, that you will not receive anything from God if you are wavering [doubting]. I will not be unstable in my ways. I am established and encouraged in faith [1 Thessalonians 3:2]. I will eliminate doubt by renewing my mind [Revelation 12:2]. 6. I will bring a good treasure of faith from my heart [Matthew 12:34-37]. Faith needs a heart and a mouth to work. I see that in [Romans 10:10] For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. I will obtain a good report by my faith. God is pleased with me because I have faith in Him and His Word [Hebrews 11:2, 6]. Jesus will find faith in my life when he returns [Luke 18:8]. What Do You Want to Come to Pass? 7. It will be the things I say according to [Mark 11:23]. I will say what I want to come to pass by the Word of God. I will only say what I want to come to pass, to become, to come into existence [ginomai-Mark 11:23]. I am not saying what I dont want to come to pass. I refuse to frame my world with doubtful, unbelieving, careless, or useless words [Hebrews 11:3]. According to Mark 11:23, I will have whatever I say. When Does Faith Receive? 8. When I pray to God I will receive because faith receives when it prays [Mark 11:24]. I will not pray and ask God to do for me, what I have the authority and ability to do for myself. Faith Confessions 1. I believe the whosoever clause of John 3:16 and the whosoever clause of Mark 11:23. 2. I am a whosoever, so I can speak to the mountain (problem/barrier to my receiving or doing Gods Will for my life) and tell it to be removed and be cast in the sea [some dimension that I do not occupy]. 3. I say what I want to come to pass by the Word of God. I will ONLY say what I want to come to pass, to become, to come into existence, or begin to be [ginomai-Mark 11:23]. 4. I will not be DIVIDED in my mind. I will not go from confidence in the Word of God to no confidence. I will not be like a wave in the sea going back and forth in my mind. I realize according to James 1:6, that I will not receive anything from God if I am wavering. 5. I will eliminate doubt by renewing my mind according to the Word of God [Romans 12:2]. 6. I have what I say because I am a believer and not a doubter. We now see that you can do the supernatural and much more. You can speak and remove a mountain in your life by faith. You can require a mountain to move from here to there. Jesus promises it will move [Matthew 17:20], it will be done [Matthew 21:21], it shall come to pass [Mark 11:23], and it will obey you [Luke 17:6]. Jesus says that it is the believers responsibility to speak to the mountain. In Matthew 21:21-22, Jesus says if you have pure faith (no mixture of unbelief or doubt), you can speak to any non-productive living thing in your life, to wither and die. According to Jesus if you are a whosoever who has faith, and doubts not then, you shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if you shall say unto this mountain, Be removed, and be cast into the sea; it shall be done [Matthew 21:21-22]. 1. In Matthew 21:21, Jesus allows me a believing whosoever to speak to fig trees and mountains. 2. I can say to any non-fruitful thing that I encounter in my life, Let no fruit grow on you ever again, because I do the same works that Jesus did [Matthew 21:19, Mark 11:14, John 14:12]. 3. Jesus promises that if I am a believer and not a doubter that what I say it will happen, it shall be done, and it shall come to pass [ginomai-Matthew 21:21]. 4. I will not pray and ask God to do for me, what I have the authority and ability to do for myself. 5. I use my authority by speaking to any barrier or any demonic activity that is stopping Gods will [Luke 10:19]. 6. I do not ask or beg, but I require and demand Gods will to be done [Luke 10:9, Luke 10:19, Mark 16:17, Ephesians 6:12, 2 Corinthians 10:2]. Faith involves you placing confidence in Gods spoken word and responding to it. The God-like faith will demonstrate itself by speaking and trusting the spoken word of God
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 04:42:53 +0000

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