Special Meeting - November 26, 1974 The Board of County - TopicsExpress


Special Meeting - November 26, 1974 The Board of County Commissioners of Santa Rosa County, Florida met in special session on the above date with the following members present: Chairman Butler, Vice Chairman Payne, and Commissioner Godwin was not in attendance. Members Smith and Lewis. The meeting was called to order at 9:00 A.M. C.S.T. by Chairman Butler with the first item on the agenda being the meeting with the Electrical Board. Chairman Johnson and members Mike Petkovic, S. R. Johnson, and ex official member D. P. Payne. Mr. Lane and Mr. Locklin were not in attendance. The Electrical Board was concerned about the Board of County Commissioners overriding its decisions, particularly in two or three cases where licenses were issued to Contractors after the Electrical Board had determined they did not meet the requirements. Another instance was the employment of an Assistant Inspector without consideration of the Electrical Board, or qualifications. Mr. Johnson also brought to the attention of the Board the limited space available for the Electrical Department and the fact that there are no signs to direct customers to the offices. In the absence of an Ordinance setting up the under duties of the Electrical Board, Mr. Johnson questioned the authority which it operates, and the proposed changes in the Electrical Code were discussed. Procedure for purchasing office supplies was clarified and the terms of the Electrical Board Members were discussed briefly. Lewis moved approval for a sign to be erected on the South side of US 90 near the entrance gate to designate the offices located in the building, which was seconded by Smith and carried by unanimous vote. Smith moved the Electrical Board be authorized to come up with a recommendation for rules, regulations and guidelines under which the Electrical Board could operate effectively. Payne seconded the motion and it carried by unanimous vote. The Deputy Clerk was re- quested to furnish the Electrical Board the appointment dates for the present members and get a copy of the Escambia County and Okaloosa County Ordinance under which their Board operates. It was recommended that the Electrical Board be ready to make a recommendation to the Commissioners at the first meeting in January, 1975. Commissioners Lewis and Payne were appointed to a Committee to check on the cooler at the Canning Plant and make a recommendation to the Board as to whether it would be more feasible and less expensive to build a cooler or to buy one. Payne moved approval of the following paving project, which was seconded by Lewis and carried by unanimous vote. 1. Caron Drive approximately .4 mile at an approximate cost of $700.00 2. .1 mile at a material cost of approx. $ 200.00 Smith moved approval for installation of the following culverts for driveways, which was seconded by Payne and carried by unanimous vote. 1. Charles Pharmacy Berryhill Road Commercial 1811 2. County Library Alabama Street Commercial 1811 The Department of Community Affairs advised that the original annual estimate of the State Revenue Sharing Funds has been revised and the estimated distribution for Santa Rosa County will be reduced by $87,470.00 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1975. Adverse economic conditions has caused the original estimate to be revised downwards from $66,048,000 to $50,110,000. (The original estimate for Santa Rosa County was $3S4,263.00, the revised estimate is $266,793.00) The Bond Issue for the Navarre Pass was brought up and discussed briefly, with the main discussion centering around the maintenance of the canal once it is constructed. An unofficial maintenance cost of $200,000. a year has been quoted, but to date the Corps of Engineers has made no committment to take over maintenance. After some discussion, Lewis moved the bonds not be printed until more information is available on the maintenance cost, and whether or not the Corps of Engineers will be willing to take over maintenance. Smith seconded the motion and it carried by unanimous vote. Smith moved approval for a joint meeting with the Beach Administration and the Corps of Engineers to discuss both the construction and maintenance of the Canal. Lewis amended the motion to invite the public to attend the meeting. Smith accepted the amendment, Lewis seconded the motion as amended and it carried by unanimous vote. It was decided the meeting would be held in the Commissioners Room with the date and time to be determined after the Corps of Engineers have been contacted) It was called to the attention of the Board that the Bids for the Furniture and Equipment for the Health Unit in Gulf Breeze have been tabulated and a tabulation sheet was furnished each Commissioner. After some discussion Payne moved the low bid be accepted on an item basis, subject to it meeting specifications, which was seconded by Smith and carried by unanimous vote. Southeastern Surgical Supply Company was low on items 24, 25, 27, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 and 38 with a delivery date of 45 days. Bill Thompson Office Equipment Company was low on items 9, 10 with a delivery date ranging from immediately to 120 days. Northwest Florida School Supply Company was low on items 6, 8, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23 with a delivery date ranging from immediately to 90 days. VIP Office Products was low on items 1, 4, 5, 11, 12, IS, with immediate delivery and 2% discount 10 days. Low bidders were referred to the Health Department for verification as to specifications. Riley Electric Company submitted the lowest estimate for the installation of the additional lights at the new library for a total cost of material and labor $475.00. Butler said he felt that was a very reasonable price and Lewis moved he be authorized to do the work, which was seconded by Payne and carried by unanimous vote. It was also called to the attention of the Board that the carpet in the County Offices at the camp is in deplorable condition. It is torn in several places which creates a safety hazard and recent problems with the plumbing caused additional problems. Three estimates to replace the carpet with a floor covering were secured with the lowest submitted by Haddans Carpet Service for a total of $275.4S, which includes the material, removing old carpet and installation of the new covering. Lewis moved approval for the work, which was seconded by Smith and carried by unanimous vote. A letter from Mr. Lavon Henley, Hospital Administrator discussed further the charge for the lounge-cots at the Santa Rosa Hospital. Mr. Henley advised that the Board of Trustees had decided to continue to collect for the six (6) chairs, with twelve (12) to be furnished without charge. The decision was made on the basis that the entire lot was paid from the construction funds, and not from tax funds as was initially thought. After some discussion, and it being noted that complaints have been lodged by some citizens, Payne moved a letter be written to the Administrator with a copy to the Trustees, advising that the decision of the Commissioners to pay for the cots was made with the understanding all eighteen (18) of the cots would be free to non-patients, and request the cooperation of the Trustees in resolving this controversy once and for all by making the cots available to non-patients at no cost. Smith seconded the motion and it carried by unanimous vote.Smith reported that the Personnel Committee had met on Nov. 19, as requested by the Board concerning the Incident with John D. Nelson. They heard both sides and found no evidence that Nelson had done anything wrong. The Committee authorized Mr. Nelson to return to work on the 20th; however, he was sick and did not feel he would be able to return until the 21st. He had been off from work 6-1/2 days, but since he was sick part of the time the Committee recommended he be paid for three days. The Committee also recommended Nelson be transferred to the truck to replace Dan Pace in the patch crew and Pace be transferred to District #2. Smith moved approval as recommended, which was seconded by Lewis and carried by unanimous vote. There being no further business to come before the Board at this time the meeting adjourned.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 23:00:00 +0000

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