Special Prayer Request..... Tomorrow being Sunday and many of us - TopicsExpress


Special Prayer Request..... Tomorrow being Sunday and many of us are heading to out places of worship I ask you to add two things to your prayer list.... First is my mother, she has not been getting around to good, now she would not tell you this but I have seen it first hand as a matter of fact at times she looks like she is almost crippled. She is in a lot of pain and the Drs have ran several test already but she goes in this upcoming week for more test. Fibromialgia and MS are two of the words that have been thrown around in conversation but she has not been diagnosed with anything yet. Pray for healing in moms body, it breaks my heart to see her like this, she is a very special woman and God is still in the Healing Business..... 2. Is for me... I have been having trouble with my left ear on and off for two years or better. The Drs have said many times I have fluid in my ear and give me RX for it. Recently I went to get another opinion as I noticed that I could not hear as well out of my ear. My wife would say things and I would answer her with what I heard which was not what she said.... After my visit with the Dr and several test I was told that I had significant hearing loss in my left ear and would be considered 50% deaf in that ear. They also said that they believe based on the test they did that day that I have nerve damage of the brain, they asked a lot of questions and my answer was yes to most all of them. At times I get very dizzy ( i had thought this was sugar ) but they believe it to be a part of the nerve damage from the brain. I go in Sept 26th For a MRI of the Brain to see what is going on and if it can be fixed. For now I am wearing a Temporary hearing aid that helps when I am at work or around a lot of people. Please be in prayer for me in this matter, I need my hearing for my music both as an artist and a worship leader. God knows what is best and I know He has a plan. Thank you in advance for your prayers sorry I did not post this sooner but I have been waiting until I talked to those closest to me first.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 03:12:55 +0000

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