Spiritual Leadership Can Be Uncomfortable: Of the seven - TopicsExpress


Spiritual Leadership Can Be Uncomfortable: Of the seven Churches in Asia, Jesus issued stern warnings to all but two—Smyrna and Philadelphia. Two Churches did not receive a single praise—Sardis and Laodicea. Five Churches received both praise and warning. Shocking to some, the Lord praised two Churches for Hating the Doctrine and Deeds of the Nicolaitanes. That’s right friends, Christ Jesus Hates False Doctrine and its effects. In fact, the issue of Doctrine and Teachers is a direct issue in four of the seven Churches in Asia. The overseers in Sardis and Laodicea are responsible for correcting their Church’s—that’s their job. Take heed leaders, the Lord emphasizes the second death of hell in this area of the Bible. Sound Doctrine is a fundamental truth that is often ignored in the name of maintaining peace. In my experience, numerous Spiritual Leaders absolutely refuse to talk about Doctrine altogether and as a result are guilty of False Teaching—i.e., False Teachers. Dealing with Unsound Doctrine is uncomfortable and not very fun at all. But take note: Paul, Peter, John, and the Lord himself issued serious warnings on the pitfall of Unsound Doctrine. The following is a summary of the Lord’s Praises and Rebukes to the Seven Churches. THE CHURCH IN EPHESUS: Rebuked for Loss of First Love, Praised for Sound Doctrine and Hating the Deeds of the Nicolaitanes. Rev. 2:1-7 THE CHURCH IN SMYRNA: Praised for Spiritual Strength. Rev. 2:8-11 THE CHURCH IN PERGAMUM: Rebuked for False Teachers, Praised for their Faith and Hating the Doctrine of the Nicolaitanes. Rev. 2:12-17. THE CHURCH IN THYATIRA: Rebuked for False Teachers/Doctrine, Praised for Godly Service. Rev. 2:18-25. THE CHURCH IN SARDIS: Rebuked for Busy Yet Dead Works. Rev. 3:1-6. THE CHURCH IN PHILADELPHIA: Praised for Spiritual Endurance & Not Denying His Name in Sound Doctrine. Rev. 3:7-13. THE CHURCH IN LAODICEA: Rebuked for Spiritual Blindness. Rev. 3:14-22. It’s no secret God’s people are hungry for the Lord and all His goodness. This creates a present danger and helps satan with his strongest strategy in these last days: DECEPTION. The devil does not like direct confrontation. He is a very good liar, and is doing all he can to weaken the Church in these very exciting times through False Teaching. After these last days, remember that “the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the devil, and satan, which deceiveth the whole world.” Rev. 12:9. So hast thou also them that hold the DOCTRINE of the Nicolaitanes, which thing I HATE. Rev. 2:15.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 20:25:35 +0000

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