Star Trek NG 10022014 THE - TopicsExpress


Star Trek NG 10022014 THE LOSS ********************************** God works in mysterious ways ************************** Space and time and thought arent the separate things they appear to be Wesley Crusher, Star Trek NG episode 106 Where no one has gone before 14:55 - 15:01 “Your species have very narrow perceptions of time and space and thought.” 30:10 – 30:16 “The Traveler used his thoughts to alter warp fields. Thoughts became reality. Now I’m in a warp field. Could my thoughts have changed this reality?” 39:54 – 40:07 The Traveler, Star Trek NG episode 405 “Remember Me” *********************************************** It’s been 5 months since Mark’s accident. I haven’t missed a single hour of my duties. I volunteer for extra time in the nursery. My language studies are better than they have ever been. Somebody else might have given in but I didn’t. Given in to what? Death is a normal part of life. Maybe some of us are better at facing that than others. Maybe some of us aren’t facing it at all. What do you mean? Recovery from a great loss involves a great deal of pain. If we try to avoid that pain we can make it harder on ourselves in the long run. But I feel fine. Today would have been your husband’s 38th birthday. You keep excellent records Deanna. Last night I dreamt Mark was with me celebrating. I was so glad that this nonsense was finally over. I woke up alone and I knew that he was dead. For the first time I knew it. They didn’t take everything away. How did you know? I promise I’ll come back and see you tomorrow. Deanna are you alright? You faded out there for a second. No, I’m just tired. An aggregate field of plain polarized objects has just appeared. And disappeared. There remains no explanation for the images which appeared in our path. Geordi, what the hell happened? Checking. Looks like the field collapsed (JOB 2.0: hint of global financial collapse) before we could enter warp. Recommend full stop while we check it out. Go to yellow alert. Captain, we’ve started moving again. Something is pulling us. Everything down here seems normal but I suggest we take it a bit slower this time. Insign bring us around 90 degrees to starboard. One quarter impulse. Engage. Nothing captain. Speed and course are unaffected. Recommend immediate shutdown sir. All engines down. We’re still being pulled, same heading same speed. When I first called you I was feeling intense pain. Now it’s gone but I’m feeling a bit foggy. (JOB 2.0: Similar to the Trigeminal Neuralgia I suffered this summer.) Could it be some sort of tractor beam? No other ship is indicated. Can there be an intelligence at work here? Counselor, do you sense a life form out there? No, I don’t think so. No, there’s nothing, nothing. I sense nothing. No, you don’t understand. I don’t sense anything. Not out there, not in here. All of you – you’re all blank to me. There’s no indication of a concussion or a blow to the head. Just a pattern of unresponsive neural cells throughout the cerebellum and cerebral cortex. Unresponsive? There’s brain damage. How serious I can’t tell yet. But I feel perfectly fine otherwise. Can you treat it? I’m not sure. I have to review the database on Betazoid neurophysiology. The Betazoid brain has a remarkable ability to heal itself. This condition could just reverse itself in time. It might but you are half human – that changes the map a little. I don’t want to offer you any false hopes. It’s just hope Beverly – not false hope. What would cause something like this because it started the same time we encountered the anomaly. There may be a connection – I don’t know. I’ll do my homework – I’ll see if I can regenerate those cells. Meanwhile – I want you to talk with someone. There are several people on board who have degrees in psychology who are qualified therapists. You know what the worst part of this is, and I’ve seen it happen to so many patients. The way other people change. How they start to treat you differently. They walk on eggshells around you. Sometimes they avoid you altogether. Sometimes they become overbearing, reach out a helping hand to the blind woman. I’m sorry if… I will not be treated that way! Hey! Oh please. Deanna, I’ve never seen you quite so scared. I’m fine. If I get better I get better. If I don’t, I’ll adapt. Life goes on. Deanna… I really have to finish this, I have some appointments this afternoon. Probe launch successful. I am adding virtual particle trajectories…Whoa! What is that? Unknown. I am attempting to analyze motion pattern. You said you woke up a new woman this morning. That’s how I feel. Tell me about this new woman. She’s not holding anything back any more. Oh I let it all out last night. I cried for 2 hours. I realized I had never accepted the loss of my husband. I did everything to pretend it never happened. It seems to me that one night of crying can’t make up for months of denial. No you’re wrong. I feel better today than I have in ages. You’re absolutely wrong, Deanna. The probe reveals that the objects exist entirely in 2 dimensions in a single plane. They have length and width but not height. That’s why the ship’s sensors did not detect them initially. We were looking at them along their edge. Are they a life form? They appear to be alive. Fascinating. So many questions. How can 2 dimensional entities have access to a 3 dimensional universe? And are they aware of us? It’s a shame we can’t tell if they are sentient. What do you mean by that? I’m doing the best that I can. No one suggested otherwise counselor. Mr. LaForge we’ll attempt your warp jump as soon as you are prepared. Counselor… How are you feeling? Beverly, I can’t do my job. I’m absolutely lost. You have to do something. Nothing helpful has turned up. And so far the lab work is inconclusive. It means there is nothing I can do now. I am still trying. How do you people live like this?! We get by pretty well, actually and so will you in time. You have no idea! No idea what it is like. How can you know what it is like to lose something you never had?! I don’t claim to. And yet you are telling me that I’m supposed to get used to it! If our positions were reversed I wouldn’t have been in here treating skinned elbows while you were lying passed out on your office floor! I would have been there a lot sooner perhaps in time to prevent this from ever happening! I’ve been working within Ensign Brooks since the death of her husband. It’s time I accept the truth Captain and resign as ship’s counselor. Resign?! I cannot no longer fulfill my obligations. Empathic awareness is not a requirement of your position. It is for me. I’m sure that after a while you will be able to adjust. They say when you lose one sense the other senses become stronger to compensate. With all due respect Captain, you don’t know what you are talking about. That is a common belief with no scientific basis. I am disabled and I am telling you I cannot perform my duties. There was a teacher at the Academy who had been confined to a wheelchair from birth. Captain, spare me the inspirational anecdote and just accept my resignation. I really would rather be alone right now. Too bad. Will, I don’t know what to do. So you resign, you walk away from all the people who care about you? I look around and all I see are surfaces without depth. All seems hollow – nothing seems real. I’m real. No you’re not. You’re a projection with no more substance to me than a character on the holodeck. You have no idea how frightening it is to just be here without sensing you, without sharing your feelings. That’s it, isn’t it? We’re on equal footing now. What?! You always had an advantage – a little bit of control in every situation. That must have been a very safe position to be in. To be honest, I always thought there was something a little too aristocratic about your betazoid heritage as if your human side wasn’t quite good enough for you. That isn’t true. Isn’t it? LaForge to Riker. We are ready to do an overload jump to warp 6. Acknowledged. I will check in on you later. Engaging impulse engines now. Mr. LaForge, go to warp. We are lucky the hull is still in one piece. This little nuisance is starting to lose its fascination. Captain, during our attempt to break away I recorded a momentary alteration in the movement pattern within the cluster. Do you think we got their attention, Data? Perhaps, but just for an instant. The pattern immediately returned to its previous dynamic. Input your observations in to the universal translator. Perhaps these movements themselves are an attempt at communication. More tea? I didn’t mean to startle you. That’s alright – I’m getting used to it. Are you really getting used to it? No. Do you want to talk about it? No. Sensors are detecting highly accelerating interstellar gases. The phenomenon is in visual range. It appears to be a cosmic string fragment only 107 kilometers long. No wider than a proton but with a gravitational pull like a black hole. The 2 dimensional beings seem to be caught in the gravitational pull of the string. Their course is taking them directly toward it. And us right along with it. What began as a curious inconvenience has turned into a serious threat. At current speed the two dimensional beings and the Enterprise will be drawn into the string in 7 hours. The entities do not indicate they are aware of the string. Sir, I recommend we fire a spread of photon torpedoes into their field. Must we destroy them to save ourselves? (JOB 2.0: Syria, Iraq, ISIS, the Middle East) It is unclear what effect a photon torpedo would have on 2 dimensional beings sir. Half a dozen torpedoes fired in their path could make them change course. Make it so. The torpedoes are having no effect sir. Fire another volley, directly into their field, Mr. Whorf. Matter – antimatter explosions appear to be ineffective sir. Maybe you couldn’t sense what I was feeling but you helped. All that remains is the possibility of communication. . ******************************************************************** There might be some way we can warn them of their impending destruction. (JOB 2.0: sadly, confirmation of impending Armageddon on Earth) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . If there is a psychology of these creatures, we must discover it. If there is an explanation for their behavior we must know what it is. Even in your current position you are the most qualified person aboard this ship to assist. Data is in Observation attempting to formulate a strategy. I want you to join him. Deanna, we need you. If our speed and course remain unchanged, in one hour the Enterprise will be torn apart by the gravitational forces of the cosmic string fragment. Are your signals reaching them? Possibly. However the beings may perceive them as negligible noise rather than an attempt at communication. Is there any evidence at all that they are sentient? Negative. The nature of their movement suggests a simple order of intelligence. Right now I feel as 2 dimensional as our friends out there – in the universe but barely aware of it. Just trying to survive. On instinct. Data, what if they are simply acting instinctively? There are inherent inborn forces in every species….what they need, what they fear, we have to discover what drives this species. We can speculate on the available evidence. Data, don’t you see – we’ve been thinking in 3 dimensions. We have to get 2 dimensional. What if they have chosen a course to the cosmic string? …just like the moth to a flame. If Counselor Troi’s suppositions are correct, a replica of the string produced behind them could induce them to reverse course disrupting the graviton wake long enough for us to escape. How do you simulate a cosmic string? It has the gravitational force of 100 stars. I am suggesting replicating the string’s vibration. Make it so. Mr. LaForge, get us out of here. It’s alright – they’re home. We were wrong. The cosmic string was never dangerous to them – it was the one place in the galaxy they most wanted to be. Deanna – yes – I sensed it. Such overwhelming sense of emotion – when we first encountered them it must have been more than my senses could handle. A short circuit. Beverly…Apologies accepted. Therapists are always the worst patients except for doctors, of course. I was so awful to her. I never fully appreciated how difficult and how rewarding it is to be human but I had a lot of help, thanks. And you, thank you for making me face my other half. Frightening, wasn’t it? A little. You were right though. There is something to be learned when you are not in control of every situation. Welcome to the human race. By the way, the next time you call me aristocratic… youtube/watch?v=LDFvDhtxX4s
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 03:06:49 +0000

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