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← Statement from Azzam Publications about Omar Bakri and al-MuhajirounInsightful discussion on Omar Bakri and his group from Islambase forums → Warning against Omar Bakri, Anjem Choudary and al-Muhajiroun Posted on September 12, 2010 by admin...obmexposed/2010/09/12/warning-against-omar-bakri-anjem-choudary-and-al-muhajiroun/ “In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.” Warning against Omar Bakri, Anjem Choudary and al-Muhajiroun The Prophet SAW said: “Whoever cheats us is not from us” (Ibn Hibban) The Prophet SAW also said: “The signs of a hypocrite are three… when he speaks he lies…” (al-Bukhari) For far too long the UK Muslim community’s interests and that of Islam have been immensely harmed by a dubious character known as Omar Bakri, and his handful of followers. This cult plays on justified resentment amongst young Muslims against the West, and in turn uses them to agitate the wider society, increase Islamophobia, turn public opinion against Islam and Muslims, and give further reasons to the government to bring in tougher laws to silence legitimate and reasonable dissenting voices against Western policies. Who is Omar Bakri? The answer to this question to this day remains a mystery, since his history is as dubious as that of the freemason, Jamal al-Din al-Afghani. The only thing that could be said with certainty about him, though, is that he is a pathological liar, who does not hesitate to lie upon the Prophet SAW, and make up his own credentials to win over gullible non-Arabic speaking youngsters who do not know any better. The following are just a few examples: 1) Knowing he had no credentials as a scholar in Islam, he had been claiming to his UK non-Arabic speaking audience for the last two decades that he was born in Aleppo, Syria, where he enrolled into al-Kuttab Boarding School where he studied the Quran, Hadith, Fiqh, Seerah and other sciences. He also claimed to have accompanied prominent scholars in Syria and studied with them Usul al-Fiqh, AI-I’jaaz, Arabic Language, l’lm aI-Khitaba, l’lm al-Tassawuf, Fiqh and IIm as-Seerah, later to join “the Shari’ah Institute at Damascus University where he studied Fiqh and Shari’ah.”[1] After his return to Lebanon in 2005 he reconstructed his past and completely contradicted himself saying, “I have never seen Syria in my life. As for what they say about me that he studied in Syria and graduated from the faculty of Law, then this is all hearsay.”[2] 2) At the back of his book, Essential Fiqh, it states, “He studied in many famous and well noted Islamic institutions including the Shari’ah University in Damascus, aI-Azhar University, Umm al-Qura in Makkah and al-Jamia al-Islamia in Madinah.” This lie was exposed by Shaykh Abd al-Rahman al-Dimashqiya who said, “He pretends to be learned and makes frequent claims to that effect. The proof of this is what he mentioned in his book Essential Fiqh that he graduated from a number of universities, the most important of them being Umm al-Qura in Makkah, The Islamic University in al-Madina, al-Azhar University in Egypt and the Faculty of Sharia in Damascus. He took a group of non-Arabs in Britain for a ride. Because he knew the respect non-Arabs have in their hearts for Makkah and Madina, he claimed that he spent his life traveling between the two cities; Even though his history is not that ambiguous, because throughout his stay in the Kingdom (of Saudi Arabia) he did not study in any of the universities. He was only an employee of a company called Eastern Electricity, owned by Shamsan and ‘Abd aI-’Aziz al-Suhaybi in Riyadh. He then moved to its branch in Jeddah. He did not approach any university during his stay there. He then flied straight to America to learn English for a few months, and shortly after he landed in London to take up the position of a Mufti with Hizb (al-Tahrir). We remember his history very well, and ask him to show us his certificates from Umm al-Qura University and the Islamic University of Madina — if he is truthful.”[3] 3) As for his lies against the Prophet SAW then they are many; a) About the famous Hadeeth of the slave girl, who was asked by the Prophet SAW, ‘Where is Allah?’, to which she replied, ‘In the heavens’, Omar Bakri invented a lie claiming, when she said that, the companions stood up to hit her, so the Prophet SAW said, ‘Leave her for she is a believer.’[4] b) He lied that the Prophet SAW said, “Whoever doesn’t fear Allah, backbiting him is not blameworthy”[5], c) He lied that the Prophet SAW said, “Whoever says he is a scholar then he is an ignorant person.”[6] d) From the worst lies of Omar Bakri against the Prophet SAW is that he said, “I am the Prophet who kills while laughing”[7], in order to paint a disturbing picture of the Prophet SAW and to turn the people away from Islam. The Islamic ruling on the one who lies on the Prophet SAW according to many scholars, such as Abu Muhammad al-Juwaini, is that they are disbelievers. Abu al-Fadl al-Hamdani said, ‘The innovators in Islam, the liars and fabricators of Hadeeth are more dangerous than atheists, because the latter seek to destroy the religion from without, while the former seek to destroy the religion from within.’ 4) His lies and deception to be the centre of attraction are also numerous. To him, any publicity is good publicity, and to that end, he is on the record for making the most outrageous claims to the media. a) During the Yemeni crisis, when certain British citizens got caught up in a kidnapping, Omar Bakri took this opportunity to get in the media by making up sensational lies such as ’1000s of Muslims travel each year to Afghanistan to get trained’. After the Nairobi and Darussalam bombings, he appeared on Newsnight claiming that he is a close representative of Bin Ladin, and that he received a list of targets that were next on Bin Ladin’s ‘hit-list’. After 9/11 he and his organisation made many irresponsible false comments to the press, such as ‘hundreds more British Muslims had already gone to fight in Afghanistan’, and that al-Muhajiroun has ‘sent and continues to send dozens of British Muslims across the border into Afghanistan’, etc, in order to create hysteria and add to anti-Muslim sentiment in the country. Azzam Publications, a renowned and trusted Jihad news agency noticed such claims and released a statement exposing Omar Bakri and his organisation as fraud.[8] Despite of making such claims, he remained a free man whilst other genuine personalities were locked up indefinitely, on a US extradition warrant. He was conveniently given a safe passage out of Britain so he can continue to jeopardise Muslim interests by influencing his gullible followers from Lebanon. However, when Lebanon came under attack by Israel, instead of practising what he preached — namely, Jihad — he ran away from the battlefield and humiliated himself in front of the world by begging the British Navy to rescue him from Lebanon and allow him back into to UK. 5) He maintains control over his non-Arabic speaking youngsters by making up false credentials about himself, as demonstrated above. He also teaches them meaningless words and terms in Arabic that have no existence, such as the concept of ‘trusting in the punishment of the grave but not believing in it’, or the supposed Usuli term ‘Fard Kifaya Muhattam’, neither of which exist in any shape or form in Islamic heritage. His followers, nevertheless, having put their trust in him, repeat these nonsensical and meaningless terms in parrot fashion to the various scholars and Imams of mosques they have arguments with, leaving them bewildered. On one occasion, Omar Bakri called a group of his followers to a private gathering in his house, and then revealed to them a handkerchief, claiming that it was sent to him specifically by the late Abu Hafs al-Misri from Afghanistan, who wanted to thank and congratulate him for the work he was doing in England. Upon seeing this, his gullible followers shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ in frenzy, thinking their ‘Shaykh’ has direct links with the Mujahidin and that the handkerchief was the proof. This is how Omar Bakri plays tricks on his followers to keep them under his charm. 6) A tree is known by its fruits, as they say. Omar Bakri has produced quite a few rotten fruits for the Muslim community to deal with, and here are just a few; a) Maajid Nawaz and Ed Husain were both students of Omar Bakri. The former was imprisoned in Egypt, and after his return to the UK, he abandoned what he called ‘Islamism’, embraced secularism and began to attack the various Muslim organisations in the country, along with his friend Ed Husain. Currently, they are running Quillium Foundation and receiving hundreds of thousands of pounds’ funding from the government as well as various Zionist organisations; b) Anjem Choudary has been the most die-hard follower of Omar Bakri. Despite of not knowing Arabic,[9] he parades himself as the Judge of his so-called Islamic court. In reality, though, his lack of knowledge of the Arabic language and Sharia naturally does not allow him to be a Judge in a Sharia court, but only a Taghut in a non-Sharia court; c) Hassan Butt was an aI-Muhajiroun spokesman in Pakistan when Afghanistan was invaded after 9/11. He appeared on the media pretending to be busy recruiting for the Mujahidin. He then returned to England, renounced extremism, and began writing a book on his experience with aI-Qaeda. However, he was shortly afterwards arrested by the police to whom he confessed that his activities in Pakistan, his interviews in the media, as well as his renunciation of extremism and claim that his life is under threat by extremists was all a scam[10]. But hasn’t Omar Bakri repented? He hasn’t. After 9/11, when the ‘Wahabis’ stole the limelight, in order to attract attention, he simply changed his beliefs in bulk from Ash’arism overnight to Salafism, just as a clown would change his costume for another show. Instead of wearing his usual pre 9/11 clothes, he was now seen in a Gulf-style Thawb and a Shimagh, parading as a hardcore Najdi-Wahabi Shaykh. Even if his so-called repentance was genuine, it was only from his former Ash’ari beliefs. Not once has he acknowledged his lies upon the Prophet SAW in the past, or his lies about his own history. Even if he were to confess to his lies publically, it would still be impermissible for him to teach, and others to learn from him, since the Prophet SAW said, “Lying upon me is not like lying upon another; whoever lies upon me, let him take his seat in the Fire” How to deal with Omar Bakri’s followers? The Prophet SAW said, “If one of you sees an evil act, let him change it with his hand. If he is unable, then with his tongue, and if he is unable then with his heart, and that is the weakest level of faith.” In light of the Hadeeth and the aforementioned facts, it is obligatory to warn the generality of Muslims against this fraud, and stop the duped followers of Omar Bakri from duping other Muslims into this scam. The Muslims must stand up to defend Islam from the enemies within. The least Islamic punishment for such fraudsters is imprisonment, and capital punishment for those who deliberately lie upon the Prophet SAW. The least the Muslims should do in their communities is to make sure al-Muhajiroun are not allowed to distribute their literature and influence Muslims. For more information and downloadable material on this cult, visit: obmexposed [1] Omar Bakri’s own English website: obmlive/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&layout=item&id=1&Itemid=2, the back of his book Essential Fiqh, as well as jamestown.org/single/?no_cache=1&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=290 [2] In an interview he gave to al-Arabiyya channel for a program called Sana’at al-Mawt, the transcript of which could be accessed here: alarabiya.net/programs/2008/01/13/44148.html. He confirms the same on his own blog: obmfs.blogspot/ [3] Abd aI-Rahman aI-Dimashqiya, Hizb aI-Tahrir, 15th edition 1997, page 63. [4] His tape on Fiqh 35:224 [5] Video tape, Abu Hanifa aI-lmam aI-A’dham 45:158 [6] Video tape, aI-Hadaf aI-lslami 48:00 [7] jamestown.org/single/?no_cache=1&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=290. It was also published verbatim on al-muhaajiroun/articles/interview.htm, but since the disbandment of the organisation, the website no longer exists [8] obmexposed/2010/08/27/statement-from-azzam-publications-about-omar-bakri-and-al-muhajiroun/ [9] youtube/watch?v=9XtUsRyWAcg [10] youtube/watch?v=_t3uw2nZ7kY - See more at: obmexposed/2010/09/12/warning-against-omar-bakri-anjem-choudary-and-al-muhajiroun/#sthash.RPdmq83s.dpuf youtube/watch?v=DQwn4-jXNLs
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 00:38:57 +0000

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