Status Update By Bart Miller URGENT CATHLEEN CALLAHAN or - TopicsExpress


Status Update By Bart Miller URGENT CATHLEEN CALLAHAN or JEAN MARTWICK I am sorry to use this platform for political reasons and that this is so long. I am sorry, If you not from COLUMBIA CO please disregard this, but I feel it is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that I say this for the sake of COLUMBIA COUNTY AND OUR JUSTICE SYSTEM. Coming up in November we will be electing the next Circuit Court Judge . What are the most important factors and qualities we should look at when selecting a Judge? Here are just a few: JUDICAL TEMPERAMENT: A candidate should show qualities of patience, open-mindedness, courtesy, tact, firmness, understanding, compassion and humility. A candidate should be able to deal with people calmly and courteously and should be willing to hear and consider the views of all sides of a case. A good judge needs to be even-tempered, yet firm and open minded A RECORD OF REPUTATION FOR EXCELLENT CHARACTHER AND INTEGRITY: The integrity of a judge is the keystone of the judicial system. Integrity enables a judge to make decisions based on the facts of a case and the law. A judge with integrity sets aside personal prejudices, personalities and partisan political influences. TRIAL OR OTHER SIMILAR EXPERIENCE THAT ENSURES THE KNOWLEGE OF THE LAW: A judicial candidates professional experience should be long enough so that the voter can evaluate the candidates performance in dealing with legal problems and the judicial process. ------------------------------------------------------------- Having reviewed these key qualities, I would like to share with you, my personal experience with CATHLEEN CALLAHAN. Sure many of you will say Im saying this because I was on the losing end, but on the contrary I was not. Several years ago, I had an issue with my employer. At this time David Herr represented me and he had referred me to CATHLEEN for a litigation case. I spoke with CALLAHAN and she reviewed my case, she contacted my companies attorneys via phone and it went back in forth via email. Nothing positive came from that and no further litigation pursued, regardless, SHE DID REPRESENT ME. I showed my appreciation for what she did by providing her with a newly published coffee table book that included my artwork. Later when my son was 14, my wife had an affair and later filed for divorce. I WAS SHOCKED, HURT AND DISGUSTED TO SEE IT WAS CALLAHAN REPRESENTING HER !!!! I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT. This boarded on unethical and really showed me who this woman really was. In fact several attorneys whom I personally know could not believe it. I asked several attorneys in the area if they would represent me. Everyone I asked refused simply on the basis that they were friends of both of ours and they themselves said it wasnt ethical and they just wouldnt do it as it would can come back and bite them on the butt. APPARENTLY THAT VALUE WAS NOT IMPORTANT TO CATHLEEN. During this divorce that went on well over a year, she did everything to stir the pot, to increase the fears of her client. It went on and on. My son and I were on our own, and he SUFFERED A GREAT DEAL over the whole affair and his mother left. I had taken him to counseling on a regular basis to help him get through this trauma in his life. NOT ONE ACTION THAT CALLAHAN TOOK OR DIRECTIONS TO HER CLIENT WERE NEVER IN THE BEST INSTEREST OF MY SON. After the first support hearing where My X was ordered to pay support , she tried to manipulate the income to lessen the financial impact. I was disabled and unemployed. Yet her interests were not on the family or my son. Sure some would say Thats her job. Is it? To manipulate, to focus only on her client and NOT the bigger more important picture which SHOULD HAVE BEEN my son, AND THIS WOULD QUALIFY HER FOR A JUDGE ??? NO WAY It continues, during the second hearing, she presents a list of TOTALLY UNFOUNDED CLAIMS that she knew very well had no substance . First My attorney was furious due to the fact that it was not properly filed and that she did not follow protocol and he immediately addressed it with the Judge. The claims, ALL which were unfounded never made it past the door. But what it did do, was pull my son into the divorce itself as it forced him to be appointed an attorney. My son was FURIOUS WITH NOT ONLY HIS MOTHER BUT HE WAS FURIOUS WITH HER ATTORNEY FOR MAKING HIM PART OF IT AND FOR LEADING HIS MOTHER DOWN THIS ROAD. My son refused to participate in anyway and would not talk to any attorney. As I said, this whole thing that was presented by CALLAHAN was , UNFOUNDED, NOT FILED ACCORDING TO COURT PROTOCAL AND SHE PULLED IN A CHILD THAT DIDNT NEED TO BE. And it went nowhere. I knew an attorney many years ago named Jay Whipple. When he was approached to do a divorce , especially with children involved he spent a great deal of time trying to bring the family together and tried to get them to resolve their issues without divorce. THIS WAS AN HONEST MAN WHO UNDERSTOOD FAMILY VALUES AND THE IMPACT DIVORCE HAS ON CHILDREN. CALLAHAN NOT ONCE PUT MY SON BEFORE HER OWN SELFISH AGENDA, NOT ONCE. In fact, I nearly filed a Bar Complaint against her and I still could. She should thank her attorney friend that convinced me not to. However the public has a right to know. My son and I were without income, a vehicle, and medical care and in the process of loosing our home. I went to DHS to get my boy covered for Medical and Dental care as he had issues that needed to be addressed. The DHS employee said that they only needed to get a piece of paper from my X stating how much she was paying a month. THAT IS ALL I NEEDED TO GET MY SON ON MEDICAL CARE. When I contacted my X , she informed me she couldnt sign anything and that her attorney has to sign everything instead???? WHAT!!!! YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME. I WAS FURIOUS AND COULDNT BELEIVE THAT SHE WAS INTERFERING WITH MY SONS MEDICAL CARE... 2 WEEKS!! WENT BY AND STILL NO MEDICAL COVERAGE. I THEN TOLD CALLAHAN I WAS FILING A STATE BAR COMPLAINT ON HER FOR INTERFERING WITH THE WELFARE OF MY CHILD. AGAIN PEOPLE, IS THIS REALLY WHO YOU WANT AS OUR JUDGE ??????? I can even say that I over heard her speaking about me in an extremely in an inappropriate way and IN NO WAY WAS SHE BEING PROFESSIONAL, certainly NOT judge material. I could continue and I have much more I could contribute but I think you have a clear picture. So lets take a look at Callahan and her agenda. She is a member and supported by the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund she spouts how proud she is about that and in fact she spouts about this too , her own words: I am so proud to be a part of Oregon Women Lawyers, a great organization that promotes women in the legal world. Despite the fact women make up 50% of law school student-bodies, only about a third of Americas judges are women. Weve come a long way, but we still have more work to do to make sure women have an equal voice in our courts! A large part of her clients are female, and plenty of divorce cases / custodial cases attacking the father, husband. She has spent her career doing this. Personally I believe she is man hater. A woman with an agenda , who has a track record as hers , HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY EXPECT HER TO BE FAIR AND UBIAS. SHE HAS ALREADY SHOWN SHE HAS NO INTEGERITY. Dont you find it odd that all of Jean Martwicks large signs were stolen? and that Callahans camp was complaining that she reported it to the Police ? Do you really think that Callahan had nothing to do with it? At minimum, it clearly shows who her supporters really are. One fellow wrote a letter actually admitted that they were removed because they were illegally placed. GEE, THE COUNTY, ODOT AND ALL CITIES APPROVED. THEY WERE ALL ON PRIVATE PROPERTY AT THAT. SO CALLAHANS CAMP OR SUPPORTERS ACTUALLY TREASPASSED AND STOLE SIGNS. THIS IS WHO WE WANT AS A JUDGE? One more thing. Look at her facebook page. She spends a great deal of time bragging about what she does. Coaching the special Olympics, Supporting SAFE, Chamber etc, which is very honorable. However, they are only honorable if it is ones passion and true desire to help. So what is the motivation. Well she joined these organizations at the same time she was deciding to pursue her goal of being a judge. She again spouts about her participation in these and brags about it. CLEARLY POLITICALLY MOTIVATED, It is extremely common for politicians to participate in such things and do so strictly for their POLITICAL AGENDA. CMON SHE IS BOOSTING ABOUT WHAT SHE DOES IN HER FACEBOOK, THAT’S JUST WEIRD. (LOOK AT ME LOOK HOW AWESOME I AM, HEY LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME). She is not doing this for the community, she is doing it for herself and her own agenda. I WONDER IF SHE WOULD AGREE TO TAKING A LIE DETECTOR TEST ???? HAHAHA NOT. Now lets ask her this question: WHY CATHLEEN DO YOU REFUSE TO HAVE ANY OF YOUR HEARINGS HEARD BY JUDGE REED FOR THE PAST 7 YEARS? PERHAPS YOU KNOW HE HAS YOUR NUMBER OR IS IT THAT YOU HAVE A BETTER CHANCE TO BE HEARD BY YOUR VERY GOOD FRIEND, JUDGE JENNIFER GRANT, WOULD LIKELY SIDE WITH HER FRIENDS CASES. DOES THE PUBLIC REALLY KNOW JUST HOW CLOSE YOU AND JENNIFER GRANT ARE???? SO PLEASE EXPLAIN, HOW CAN YOU SAY YOU WILL BE A FAIR JUDGE, UNBIAS AND EQUAL?? ............NEWS FLASH. YOU CANT! Another thing she keeps claiming is that she has been the prosecuting attorney for Clatskanie (SINCE SEPTEMBER) and that provides her with Criminal Experience ? What a JOKE. What is she going to prosecute ? Shop lifting a pack of cigs ? A handful of misdemeanors in 12 months is hardly what you would call experience…. LOL. She HAS NOOO EXPERIENCE IN CRIMINAL LAW PERIOD. SHE HAS NO FAMILY VALUES, SHE HAS NO INTEREST IN ANYTHING BUT HER OWN AGENDA. WAKE UP ! SHE CAN NOT EVEN MAKE IT PAST THE ABOVE 3 QUESTIONS.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 00:22:43 +0000

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