Step Eight-Seek PEACE-Find JOY Peace and joy are lovers. - TopicsExpress


Step Eight-Seek PEACE-Find JOY Peace and joy are lovers. One cannot stand being separated from the other. Peace without joy is an imposter. It is not peace. It is calmness, an egoic state of mind, a substitute for peace. Calmness is composure in the face of unpleasant circumstance. Where there is peace, there is joy, but joy without peace will never be encountered because peace must first be present to invite and welcome joy. The two are never apart. Most say they desire peace. This is not true. They only say that they do. The reason that this is so is because the “person” finds peace to be anathema to its very existence. The “person,” that one perceives themselves to be, cannot exist, for very long, in a peaceful state. This illusory person requires conflict, drama, a warlike state in order to define itself, be itself, know itself. Take the time to notice and you will see that most are on edge, ready for conflict, emotionally equipped for confrontation, eager for battle. Seldom are they at peace with themselves or with others. They live life, as do nations, in a state of detente, subdued warfare. They are ever suspicious of attack and ready to attack in kind. They live the life of the “person” who controls them. Peace is the state of I AM, Being, God-Within. This state can only be found in the NOW because I AM, Being, God-Within can only be experienced NOW. Nature compels us to visit the NOW in sleep. Sleep allows us to drop the “person,” temporarily, that our soul might be replenish with God’s Power and Soothing influence. The irascible angry soul is mercifully at peace in deep sleep. If you would know a constant state of joy, a high energy level during the day, the feeling of God being right where your are, then pursue peace and become one with it. To seek peace, to find it, is to find peaces lover, joy as well. To be willing to discard peace over a trifle, to prove a meaningless point, to have dominion over another, is to confess that one does not know the value of peace, nor her companion, joy. It is to confess that one is still “asleep.” Selah. ~PA~.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 23:06:09 +0000

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