Still Running James 4:8 TLB And when you draw close to God, - TopicsExpress


Still Running James 4:8 TLB And when you draw close to God, God will draw close to you Most of you know that I grew up in NYC in the middle of Spanish and Black Harlem. One day on the way to the outdoor basketball courts there was this little kid named Boobie who accompanied me while I was dribbling my basketball. I was about 15 at the time. On this particular day, Boobie was being a pain “in the you know what”, by kicking my shins the entire walk to the courts. I kept telling Boobie to stop but for some reason he kept on antagonizing me. Boobie was substantially shorter than me and this created a challenge for me. As we were walking across the soccer field I had enough. I grabbed Boobie by his long thin black hair and proceeded to spin him around in the air sort of like a shot put athlete. After about 5 fast spins I released Boobie and he went flying in the air no telling how feet. And in one of those moments where you wished you could rewind time and take back the decision you just made, there was this huge boxing and karate exhibition in the park that day and I am the only white kid there. And just as I released Boobie in the air and even as he was airborne, it seemed as if EVERYONE in the park witnessed what I had done and immediately I heard these words, “Get the white kid!!!” Two thousand people started running after me to obviously kill me and so I started running. Did I tell you that I could run really fast? I started flying through the streets of East Harlem NYC, the buildings, rooftops and they could not catch me. I finally made it to my apartment and heard my uncle tell my mom that he had just witnessed all these people chasing this one white guy around the neighborhood just as I walked by and I grinned because he was talking about me! I ran faster away from God for the first 36 years of my life. 17 years ago I entered into this race to run to God and I have never looked back. Here is what I have discovered; I still can’t outrun God. When I run to him, he runs faster to me to bless and heal me. When I try to Play God and do God’s job by trying to manage my life on my own without his leading, he chases me down with his love. When I run from God because of my rebellion, he runs faster to me with his grace and forgiveness. My conclusion is simple…keep running to God not from God!!! My hope is that you will keep running to Celebrate Recovery on Friday nights. This Friday we will tackle the issue of “Denial.” With more than 100 first time guests in the past month we are so excited for all the new people that will be at CR this Friday! We are also launching Celebration Place, the children’s 5-13 year old resource to CR this Friday!!! I am so looking forward to seeing you run to CR especially this Friday night!!! Be Blessed and Encouraged Bill Rieser RLC CR Ministry Leader
Posted on: Thu, 15 May 2014 00:20:10 +0000

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