Story #792 Anonymous BIG FACTS: STORY ONE I am Native and I - TopicsExpress


Story #792 Anonymous BIG FACTS: STORY ONE I am Native and I have had many experiences with Bigfoot. I would like to tell of some of my experiences only to let others know there is nothing to be afraid of. I have learned that if they do not want you to know they are there, you will not see or hear them. I have been close to these beings many times while I have been at this location. I cannot get close to them but they will get close to me when they want to. I also have to state that they have never tried to harm me while I have been there. Finally, I want to state that they have already learned to live near us. It is we humans that are fearful of things we do not understand and are unwilling to live near and have not tried to understand them. This is my first story: My Hunka brother told me that some of the elders state that Bigfoot can turn into tree stumps and trees. I have to tell you that this is absolutely true and I have direct experience with this. My first experience with Bigfoot was when I was 8 years old. However, this story begins when I was hiking with my two sons many years later. The area is a nature preserve surrounded by another nature preserve. We got to the location at about 9:00 one morning. It had been raining all night and into the first part of the morning. It was just sprinkling on and off when we got there. After we traveled down the path for about 25 yards, I heard a vocalization about 50-75 yards from our position down the hill and to the left...WHOOOOOOOOAHHHHHHHHHH. It sounded like a woman trying to imitate an owl. As we continued down the path we could hear grunts that we attributed to deer ahead of us but we couldnt see what was making the noise. At the end of that trail it exits into a field. We walked the perimeter of the field and found an entry way back into the canopy. This is the entrance to what I now call the first clearing. I snapped a picture using my cell phone and thought that this was just about the position the call had come from. I will tell you I took the picture and all I saw was a tree stump. We then went across an area that I call the second clearing and across the creek. The bank was pretty high. There was an area that was made of grass and reeds about as big around as my fingers. Those reeds were about 5 feet high and were hitting me in the face. The grass/reed area was about 50 yards across. We crossed the creek and scrambled to the other side. There was a deer trail that led to the edge of the canopy in a straight line to a spring that bubbled out of the ground. As we got about 20 yards following the deer trail, we heard another vocalization coming from the creek area. OHHHHHHHHHHAHHHHHHHHHH! As the sound began to trail off, it was answered by another call to our left about 30-40 yards away in the tree line. OHHHHHHHHAHHHHHHHHHHH! The first call sounded like a female the second call did not. Immediately after looking in the direction of the sound in the treeline we heard rock clacking in the creek area behind us. We all three turned around to the creek and scanned the area, but never saw a thing. After 2-3 minutes of scanning the creek, we made our way up the deer trail and found some tree formations. I was looking for track and was parting the grass/foliage as I walked toward the spring. About 30 yards from the spring we found a series of tree formations set up in a semi circle. When we walked up to the tree formations, the woods went crazy with 3-4 beings making sounds that sounded like a cross between a higher pitched cow and a human Urrrrrrrr, Hurrrrrrr..Hurrrrr! I looked at my cell phone and tried to find the audio recorder (which was on my old phone) and couldnt find it. I just remember looking at my hands and they were shaking. I didnt want my two sons to see so I put it away and we just stood there for a few minutes as the sound went on. We took pictures of the tree formations as the sounds went on switching sides, then switching back. When things didnt settle down I knew it was time to go. My youngest son asked me which way we should go and I told him we were marching right back the way we had come in. And we did. As soon as we headed back down the deer trail all the noises stopped. We crossed the creek and went back to the grassy area. I just knew there was something in that grass with us. There was a large trail worn in the reed/grassy area all the way to the ground. I did not stop to take that picture. I also noted where something had made a trail through the reeds/grass that intersected the one that the three of us had made. That trail was about 3-4 times larger than the trail all three of us made through the grass. We went back through the second clearing area. That is where the next picture was taken. We were walking close to the bank and my son who was in the trail position called me, gave me a look and I stopped. I asked him what was wrong and he said he heard noises coming from the wood line across the creek. We all three stopped and scanned the tree line across the creek and couldnt see anything. The point where the picture was taken was directly behind us about 30 yards. We proceeded up the trail toward the first clearing and directly on the trail was a broken branch that was not broken on the way in. The broken branch was right on top of the trail... not near it...on top of it. The leaves on the branch had not even begun to wilt. The branch was broken just before we got there. I walked past the broken branch then told my sons I should take a picture of it to document the branch. I turned around and moved closer then further away from the branch to try and get the whole thing in the picture. I was approximately 10-12 feet away from the branch. As I was lining up the shot I noticed a shadow in the background. I literally looked around my cell phone and looked at it for a few seconds trying to figure out what it was. A single thought popped into my head: ”shadow.” I looked and all I saw was a shadow and even though I knew at first that it looked out of place after that thought popped in my head I literally thought it was just a shadow and preceded to take the picture. I then lined back up the shot and through the camera screen I saw something lying in the foliage. I again looked around my phone and looked at what was on the ground lying there and KNEW it was something that wasn’t supposed to be there. I then looked back at my phone screen then back at the ground and a single thought popped into my head…“tree stumps”. When I looked back at the ground all I saw was a series of tree stumps along the ground. I took the picture and we walked out of there. We walked into the area and they wanted us to know they were there. They did not harm us or intimidate us in any way except to how us they were there. I have been back many times. The forest people have been there EVERY time. As far as the tree stumps I have looked at both locations and there are no tree stumps like that there.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 06:39:12 +0000

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