Sunday January 25, 2015 “I broke it before I left the - TopicsExpress


Sunday January 25, 2015 “I broke it before I left the building.” He was talking about his New Year resolution, and he’s not the only one. This morning at 11 I’ll be preaching from II Cor.5:11b-18 from the New Living Translation. It’s a continuation of the whole call to and the meaning of new beginnings. The title of the message is: Continuing and Changing. Resolve is good, but follow-through the absolute necessity. So---when we resolve something, whether at the New Year or anywhere else ‘along the way,’ do we stay with it? Continuing is the confirmation of a true new beginning. And continuing in different directions will call forth a new way of living. If we are ‘new’ as the Scripture and resolutions would suggest, we’ll find a new sense of ‘being’ at work it us. New persons see everything in a new light and move that way. We’ve all heard similar stories, but a young man who found an honest faith experience at a youth camp made this comment, “Keith, I’ve walked out on that pier before at the lake, but saw what I don’t remember ever seeing before, and felt so, so, ‘connected,’ to it all. I even sensed the birds rejoicing with me in their singing.” A line in today’s Scripture caught my attention: “…we are giving you reason to be proud of us, so you can answer those who brag about having a spectacular ministry rather than having a sincere heart.” (V.12b) I’m far from ‘spectacular’ in any way, but pray to God for a sincere heart. Continuing and changing is vested in a new way of being, and seeing, hearing, doing, and living. There is a sense in real discipleship that we have “all died to our old life.” (V.14b) I can’t say I’ve died to it all; that would be false. I can say that what I’ve found in faith in Christ and a God of love is a distinct call to living life in different ways. That puts much of the ‘old’ to death. Reflecting God’s will and way as much as being human in the flesh will allow is another sign of faith at work. Life surge! That’s one gift of faith at work! We find ourselves moving from where we are toward where we’ve never been before, and finding the heart of it amazing, wonderful and exciting. Oh there will be ‘cross’ days. It’s part of the package. But as Martin Luther King once wrote: “I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will finally win. This is why right temporarily defeated-- is stronger than evil triumphant.” King was also human, but inspired under the most difficult circumstances to come up with powerful words like these. and to make a difference for good in Gods world. During these days of multiplied horrors and very real challenges, we will be called to continue and to change. God help us continue and change, not like the ugly, cruel and violent out there (and sometime in us), but after the way of Him who said, “Peace, I leave you, my peace. Not as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and you do not need to be afraid.” (John 14:27) Love one another as I have loved you… (John 13:34) It may take the long haul and not the short run, but hearts will be lifted up and fear will be put down. and love may reign. Resolutions: Let’s make ‘em to keep ‘em, not to break ‘em. Then with God’s help we just might get some of it done! Always love, always, Keith
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 12:17:11 +0000

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