Sunday Night Worship Service .........Pastor Andy Peacock - TopicsExpress


Sunday Night Worship Service .........Pastor Andy Peacock ...................Acts 28...........If you cant have a good time in church , I wouldnt go !!!! .................Here Paul had just been shipwrecked . You may not come to a resort Island when God delivers you from the storm , He may land you in a place to be used as a blessing to others . When you get weary and weak , we need to stir up the fire inside of us , if you have the fire of God there is nothing you cannot do . You can put out mans fire but you cannot put out Gods Holy Ghost fire . Im not looking for something new , I am looking to stir up that great Pentecostal Holy Ghost fire . God wants to bring back the fire in your life and you need to know that what God started in you , He will bring to completion !! God is still moving , He is the same today as He was yesterday . I make my stand and I am preserved by that Word that He breathes in my life . If you are tired of just getting by , being tired , I am telling you God wants to bring the anointing and the fire back into your life . If your tired of just coming to church , maybe you need to open your life to Him and walk out of here a blazing ball of fire because God has rekindled you !!!! God is wanting to take and build that fire , God wants to stick that poker in there and get you stirred up . Dont you remember when the mighty hand of God reached way down and saved your soul . We need to get out of control , have an out of control fire burning in your life !!!God either has full control or no control . Quit trying to do it by yourself . Let God show up and put you ablaze ! He rekindled the fire and got things going again and if you are waiting for someone to build a fire for you , you are going to freeze to death . Im cold . Pastor when are you going to get a fire going ? You need to be gathering kindling now , get that thing smoking and then stir it up and become a blaze for God . You need to have a little talk with Jesus and you will know a little fire is burning . Stir that thing up and BLAZE !!!! This fire will burn from the top of your head to the tip of your toes , people will come just to see you burn for Jesus !!! God want s to kindle a new fire in your life , wont you stand up and catch ablaze ! People will watch what you do when you come under attack to see what you do and to see what you dont do . Paul was bit by a deadly viper , people were watching and talking against him . Its the fire that brings you through , that brings out the man of God in you . There is enough dead in the grave yard , we need to be alive in this church . The devil will do anything , he wants to see you dead . You know we have been doing it like this for over 20 years . Yeah , and you have been dead for 20 years . This is Gods Church and God wants to bring life and fire into our church . Anytime there is an attack of the enemy , people are going to stand around and watch . Yet Gods fire will reveal who is who in the Church . What are you buying into that is hidden , what is devil speaking in your ears . You need to hear some things and some things you need to turn your hearing off . Quit listening to the enemy . God is trying to send you some places and you are kicking and screaming , if you will just stay still and listen and follow what He is saying He will bring you into your new direction . God has fit this all together , because there is lives hanging in the balance . When you are under attack I am telling you that just as Paul shook off that viper , you to have just got to shake it off . People were looking at Paul saying he is going to die any minute , instead Paul blessed the people and healed them because he shook off the enemy . SHAKE IT OFF AND KEEP MOVING !!!!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 13:07:32 +0000

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