Sunday morning. Here I set on God’s day of rest with so much on - TopicsExpress


Sunday morning. Here I set on God’s day of rest with so much on my mind it is impossible to rest. It seems that no matter how much sleep I get it seems to never be enough for the mental rest that is needed. There is so much on my mind that is out of my control. Even as I read the words I’m putting to print here there is concern with this as well. It is now being said that even political dissent is being classified as a mental disorder to the extent that personal firearm confiscation is possible. Before I take this narrative any further I would like to state for the record that I do not nor have ever had any suicidal tendencies, I just had the brakes on my truck checked, and have never been considered accident prone. I love my wife and kids and do not have any desire to run away or leave my family. Let’s move on. Where to start? There’s so much going on in the world that is eclipsed only by what’s going on in our beloved country. Where are we headed as a nation? This is a question that I believe cannot be answered at this time. Given the apathy and general malaise that has fallen over this country too many of us have become comfortable and satisfied with the quickly diminishing rights that are being snuffed out by our government. Speaking on generations as a whole it seems that the “Greatest Generation” that fought and won World War II on two fronts at the same time was the last generation that stood proudly as a whole for the America that once was. Where has that love of country gone? The love of country and our fellow countrymen remains in the hearts and minds of many of us, but sadly there are those that have ceded control of their lives over to the government and contentedly succumbed to the life of a nanny state. Many reading this will not want to go any farther as my words will strike a tender nerve. There is enough blame to go around. Barack Hussein Obama told us, the U.S. what his intentions were on October 31st of 2008, just days away from the Presidential election that would start the snowball rolling downhill by declaring “We are 5 days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America” What the hell is so difficult to understand about this!?!? The polls should have been flooded with Americans ready to put the brakes on this radicalized agenda, but too many of us set on our lazy, contented, pampered asses and let it happen. There are some however that regardless of the shifting political winds will remain true to the country that our ancestors fought, bled, and often died for. They are the ones that will hold signs for hours on an overpass, drive for hours, spending their own money to get to a rally, writing letters, and signing petitions. They endure ridicule for their homemade, heartfelt signs. They watch their sons and daughters voluntarily go off to foreign lands to fight wars that our politicians won’t let them win. These are the warriors that continually stick their heads above the berm willingly taking the potshots from the dissenting portion of our population. It is the same dissenters that will sit comfortably within the confines of their keyboard enjoying the freedoms and rights afforded them by the same men and women who have fought and often died for them. Time was we could count on relative safety from our enemies as long as we engaged them in foreign lands…time was. That’s a rant for a different narrative. For those out there willing to throw your fellow countrymen under the bus who have fought for your right of free speech just know that your pitiful existence is meaningless to us. I served 10 years of active duty service in my beloved United States Marine Corps. Having never had the opportunity to serve in a combat role I have the upmost respect for those that have. To the Michael Moore’s, Seth Rogen’s, and Bill Maher’s of this country who are quick to criticize the military men and women, you do so because men and women better than you preserved your right to do so. They did not join and serve to protect the rights and freedoms of only those they agree with. They did it for all of us. Your lack of respect is overshadowed only by your lack of testicular fortitude. Like my Dad used to tell me, “Set in the truck and wait.” We got this. There are still plenty of Patriots in this country that are holding out hope for the change that is needed to reverse the “fundamental change” that was so boldly proclaimed. Too many have remained silent for too long hoping that someone will do something. You are that someone that must do something. Know that you are not alone. The threats that are constantly being thrown at us from those on high in Washington, D.C. are meant to intimidate and silence us so that they can continue the “fundamental transformation” of the U.S.A. into a third world country whose citizens are totally compliant. Everyone has the ability to contribute in some manner or another. It’s time to stick your head above the berm and risk taking that potshot. It will be the only way you will see what is happening to the United States of America. God Bless Her! Semper Fidelis Kelly Almond
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 21:20:18 +0000

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