Sunday reflection God is available and patient. If there are two - TopicsExpress


Sunday reflection God is available and patient. If there are two qualities of God that stand out in the readings of today, they are availability and patience. The story of Zacchaeus’ encounter with Jesus, which is exclusive to the Gospel of Luke, brings out both these qualities of God. This transformation and change in Zacchaeus was the result of having encountered even in that brief moment of contact with Jesus total acceptance, recognition, unconditional love. So many are seeking God today and cannot seem to find him. The irony is that God is everywhere if we but open our eyes, ears and hears to see. The irony is that God wants to be found. There are few requirements that each of us must keep in mind if we are to find God. The first of these is a genuine desire to see, to encounter and touch God. We will know if this desire is genuine if we like Zacchaeus, do not give up in face of obstacles but instead, and persevere. Our desire is genuine if we do not let external obstacles get us down. It is genuine if we will not wait till tomorrow, but are determined to find God today. It is true however, like in the case of Zacchaeus that we do not really find God. Rather, God finds us. When God does find us, we must be attentive and listen rather than be anxious to speak. God will make no demands of us. God will not ask us to change. God will simply keep revealing that, in Jesus, God is unconditional love. An experience of this love in Jesus will lead to a transformation in our lives like it led to a transformation in the life of Zacchaeus. Like Zacchaeus we will surprise not only others but even ourselves with the response we will make to God and others. We will become more generous, more loving, more concerned and more willing to give so that others may have and live. Amen
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 16:04:37 +0000

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