Sure is funny how todays headlines read JOBS BOOM!, Unemployment - TopicsExpress


Sure is funny how todays headlines read JOBS BOOM!, Unemployment Tumbles to 6.3%! while simultaneously criticizing the private sector for stagnant wages and slowing down the recovery. Funny how so many forgot to report that private sector wages actually increased 2% over the past 12 months. Yeah, but 2% is nothing because of muh inflation... Funny how so many blame the private sector for a problem created by the unconstitutional Federal Reserve. Where is the media coverage on that? Funny how so many failed to mention that more than three quarters of a MILLION people left the labor force in April alone. Funny how they forgot to report that this is the reason unemployment tumbled. Obamas employment plan: Lets force another 2 million people out of the labor markets. Then we can have 5% unemployment! Funny how so many forgot to mention that 15k of the new 288k jobs created were government jobs, which are jobs paid for by debt. Funny how so many forgot to mention the sure of part-time jobs instead it full-time jobs due to Obamacare. In short, falsify the employment numbers and blame the private sector for poor wages so that Democrats can save face and push for an increase in minimum wage for the midterms.
Posted on: Sat, 03 May 2014 18:27:32 +0000

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