Survival Kits So many preppers and survivalists in hundreds of - TopicsExpress


Survival Kits So many preppers and survivalists in hundreds of Blogs and Websites are advising what kind of backpacks or kits you need, in order to be ready for a disaster. It is just overwhelming. If you are a beginning prepper, look at your personal situation first. Where do you live? Are you single or do you have a family? Do you live in a city or in the country? Do you own, or do you rent a home? Do you have some acres to grow your own produce on? Preparing for a survival situation is very individual. Tons of advice is out there on the web and many survival stores like mine, (tacticalguardiandefense), are offering good quality survival gear and tools. Even the government is urging us to prepare and have a BOB (Bail Out Bag) ready, and many television and radio programs are focused on surviving and preparing. Still, so many people are ignoring this. When I talk about preparing with friends or co-workers, (I work full time in the Public Safety field), many look at me and smile and agree, but do nothing. Others just say that they will worry about that when something happens, or the local, state or federal government will take care of things. I respect people’s opinions, but I shake my head by so much ignorance on the subject. In a way I understand that people don’t want to think about disasters, or are afraid about what can happen and therefore shove it aside and go on with their daily life. But I know that these people will be a burden to the people who are preparing, who are ready for an economic collapse, a power outage caused by a solar flare etc. They will be on your doorstep asking for help. But to go back to the beginning prepper: start reading the blogs, become familiar with what is available,and look at your needs. And start small. Buy a few items at a time and store them away. Buy a decent backpack. When I started I went to a supermarket and bought small one or two dollar items like a toothpaste and toothbrush combo, some razor blades, small soap bars, etc. These are small and easy to put in a backpack. You will notice that when you start buying, you get more involved, get more ideas and it can even be fun. There are a lot of different types of Survival Backpacks and Kits available these days. I selected a few good quality brands to put in my online store. Survival Kits from Guardian Survival Gear, Best Glide Ase and Survivor Industries Inc. Some kits are great as a basic platform when you start prepping. Other kits are more complete and ready to go, while others are great as an add-on to an existing kit. In most cases it is wise to add more items to a Kit. These could include extra food and water, personal items like copies of your drivers license, birth certificate or passport, and extra clothing to make it a more personal Kit. Starting small like this will help you to survive short term emergencies. If you want to prepare for doomsday then there is a long way to go. For the ones who never went camping outdoors, just start with putting your tent in your backyard while it is raining and spend the night there and cook your breakfast on a small stove. Then you start getting the idea. tacticalguardiandefense
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 06:11:53 +0000

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