Survival, written by my Dad Stephen Shacknofsky and the Poem - TopicsExpress


Survival, written by my Dad Stephen Shacknofsky and the Poem written by my Uncle , Anthony Shacknofsky. I am a secular Jew, born in England in 1941. I left with my parents for South Africa in July of 1951. I lived in Johannesburg South Africa for almost 60 years and when my grown children decided to immigrate to Israel, my wife and I followed. I would like to make two statements, although I know that what I have to say will make not one iota of difference to prejudice thinkers who are completely brainwashed. I would still like to say the following: 1) TO THE SOUTH AFRICAN ANTI-SEMITES I lived in Johannesburg South Africa for 60 odd years, so when it comes to the question of apartheid, I have first-hand knowledge and whilst I have no wish to relate the atrocities of that regime, I would like to tell those misinformed South Africans, black and white alike that in no way is there any similarity between apartheid and Israels policies. Every person, whatever colour, creed or religion living in Israel can come and go as they please, live wherever they want, be accepted for any job they apply for and even serve in ministerial positions. They are paid the same salaries or wages and I stand to be corrected, but I believe the Arabs living in Israel have comparatively speaking, a better and higher standard of living then any of those living elsewhere and furthermore, their religion is never interfered with. If those South Africans who are throwing stones (criticizing Israel), come to Israel, they will see for themselves that the Arab residents live in nice homes, drive better vehicles and get a better education then they do. There are more than 1 million Arabs living in Israel and none are below the poverty line which is more than can be said for countless people still living in tin shacks in almost the same conditions they experienced during the Apartheid era in South Africa. The policy of the people running South Africa are using the trick of dont look what we are doing, look at what Israel is doing do yourselves a favour and wake up. 2) TO THE ANIT-SEMITES IN THE REST OF THE WORLD As I mentioned previously, I am a secular Jew but I have always been fascinated by Jewish history. If one would take the time to take a look into Jewish history before being critical, they would see that for the past 2000 years, millions upon millions of Jews have been murdered, tortured, raped, robbed and submitted to the most abominable atrocities ever endured by mankind, the worst of which took place less then 70 years ago. The main reason for this was that Jews had to live as a minority in the countries that were initially kind enough to give them residency, however as always times and people change and hatred replaces kindness of all xenophobics, so a nation who have been in existence for thousands of years, make up on 1/6th of 1% of the worlds population, will the Anti-Semites only be happy if we were on the endangered list (it has to be a joke when there are so few Jews in the world, they are accused of ruling it.) The world needs to understand that Israel is the most important place for them. It is the only place Jews feel safe from the rest of humanity because Antisemitism has a habit of raising its head time and time again. It is for this reason we Jews have to fight for our right to survive, although we abhor war and its results, we do not take pleasure in killing or being killed - our toast, as everyone knows is Le Chaim, which means To Life The Israelis have a wonderful expression that has come down from all the years of persecution: Im Ein Aniele Miele in strict translation it means If not for me then who However as self-centered as this expressions seems, there is a second verse: Vcashe ani laatzmi mahani when I am for myself what am I? This in itself shows the true underlying nature of the Jewish people, which in itself is a serious weakness, you cannot hunt with the hounds and run with the hares. Those Jewish people who condemn what is going on in Israel, live far away from the problem and until they experience the horrors of war, no matter what their feelings, they should rather be silent then voice opinions. We have enough enemies as it is, we dont need anymore, especially from our own kind. The world only admires the strong not the weak. It is only since the Israelis showed the world in 1967 what they are capable of, that Jews have been respected and no longer considered cowards. If everyone would open their eyes and see what Israel has achieved in their 66 years of existence under the most terrible strains of adversity, they should be admired and not hated. If Jews have been successful, it is because of their determination and I say to all the Anti-Semites out there, why not try and emulate them, after all jealousy gets you nowhere. Finally, I would like to say to all Arab Nations, particularly to the Palestinians of Gaza and the West Bank, that Jews and Arabs alike have the same forefather, let us give up the brainwashing It would be far better to try peace and life as opposed to war and death and see what the results can bring. Shalom Eilacham - Salaam Alaechem POEM BY ANTHONY SHACKNOFSKY Oh Lord our God of Israel, Who promised us this land, Why must we struggle on and on, I cannot understand? Why were we driven from this land so many years ago, To suffer at the tyrants hand And live a life of woe? and why when the exiles over, And Israel exists once more, Do all our neighbours hate us, And threaten us with war? When will they accept us, When will their hatred cease, Must we survive forever In a land that knows no peace? Oh Lord our God of Israel, Now I understand, As long as you watch over us, Well keep our promised land
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 11:02:10 +0000

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