Sweet Dreams: Sanctified Sanity 2nd February, 2014 - TopicsExpress


Sweet Dreams: Sanctified Sanity 2nd February, 2014 Frustrations...pressures...problems...one thing after another! Its no wonder youll hear people saying, I think Im losing my mind during a hectic day. If youre in a turmoil tonight, feeling as if youre losing control...dont feel alone. Many share the occasional fear that they just arent in control of themselves as they should be. This is not Gods intention for your life. When pressures and stresses crowd in on you, and you feel yourself slipping into the enemys trap of fearing for your sanity...STOP! As a Christian, you have a great advantage over those in the world who have to rely on their minds and their own strength of control to combat fear, but you have Jesus living in you! Paul expressed it for us beautifully in his letter to Timothy: For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (II Timothy 1:7). Instead of allowing yourself to fall into the enemys trap, recognize that Satan is the source of the problem and cast him out. Actually tell Satan, in the Name of Jesus, to take his hands off your circumstances and go. (You must be a born-again Christian to do this.) Rebuke means to tell Satan, Stop, you have gone far enough! The Lord has given us the power to use His authority for just this purpose. Satan must flee in the Name of Jesus. After rebuking the enemy, claim Gods peace by quoting the Word of God, until you believe it for your circumstance and can relax...free from that fear which would threaten your very sanity. Our Evening Prayer - Lets Pray Together… God loves you and wants to answer your prayer. Say this prayer with me: Father, forgive me for letting fear and confusion overcome me today. Thank you for Your authority to take control over the enemy, and dislodge him from my emotions, recognizing him as a thief and a liar. Loose Your peace and grant me rest. In Jesus Name, Amen. Sweet Dreams as Authored By Morris Cerullo.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 15:31:32 +0000

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