Sweet!! I have found the next topic for one of my rants. :D I - TopicsExpress


Sweet!! I have found the next topic for one of my rants. :D I know yall love these so lets get started... Germs, hand washing, shaking hands, hand sanitizers, anti-bacterial products. This is the stuff Im going to be preaching about today. First off, quit being such a sissy and go more than a few moments without washing your hands. Constant hand washing isnt healthy in any way. Its not the bacterias or viruses fault that you have weakened your immune system so much that it can no longer fight off a bug that humans have been able to brush aside with ease for thousands of years. The reason you are sick so often and easily is because you havent given your body the opportunity to defend itself in a very long time. Think back to when you were a kid. Remember all the playing outside for hours on end at the park, or in the dirt, or somewhere else filled with germs? As a kid, how often did you wash your hands during those fun days? I bet not a single dang time until you got home for dinner and your mom told you to go wash up before you could sit down at the table. Now think about this, how often did you get sick as a kid? Im also gonna take a guess and say a hell of a lot less than you do now. Wanna know the reason??? The answer is a no-brainer. The average person touches their own face something like a couple hundred times per hour and they dont even know they are doing it. So as a kid, youd play in the mud or get germs all over you from some source and all the while you would constantly be touching your face and the area around your mouth. Those bugs would get into your body where your immune system would identify them and begin the fight. Sometimes, the bug would win for a day or two and you would get sick. But for the most part, say 99.9% of the time, your immune system would kick the living crap out of the bug that found its way into your body. And your immune system has an incredible memory. Whether the bug it fought off made you sick or not, it will remember that bug for as long as you live. So as long as you are at least in somewhat ok health, your immune system will be able to fend off that bug. So stop washing your hands so often and let your immune system take care of you once again. Youll both be happier for it. Second, many people use Anti-Bacterial products in their hand soap and sanitizers these days. FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, stop using these products immediately!! That is the number one reason why so many people are becoming sicker more often, and why it is getting harder to fight these illnesses. Do you know where the deadliest illnesses in America came from? Im speaking of MRSA, flesh eating virus, and all those wonderful things. In case you dont have a clue, here is the answer.... THEY ALL STARTED IN HOSPITALS. Thats right, the worst illnesses and diseases you can get in America all started in what is believed to be the most sanitary places around. Here is how it happened. Its because every surface in a hospital constantly gets sanitized over-and-over with some type of anti-bacterial product and over time, those bugs that we all fear so much now have grown immune to every type of sanitizing product that is out there. It has gotten so bad that some hospitals have to use powerful UV lights in unoccupied rooms now to attempt to sanitize a room before people can enter. These super bugs are growing tougher and tougher every day. Good luck surviving long if you happen to go in for a simple check-up and catch one of these bugs. There are no longer antibiotics that can kill these super bugs. Just have to hope that somehow your bodys immune system is able to do what it is designed to do. Now we have people in the general public creating the same problem that theyve been having in hospitals for quite a number of years. All of the anti-bacterial products that are available everywhere these days are not good for us. Quit using hand sanitizers and soaps with any kind of Anti-Bacterial products in them. Youre are just helping the bugs to grow resistance. Use the regular soaps that do not say anti-bacterial on them if you are going to wash yourself. And certainly stop using any type of hand sanitizers that you may currently use. Warm water with regular soap will do just fine. Third, the topic of antibiotics wont be getting preached about here. For years now we have all been hearing the news about them being prescribed way too much and people not taking them for the full amount of time that the doctor recommended. All Im going to say here is, stop going to the doctor every time you feel sick. Its not necessary. To finish my rant, Im just going to give my opinion about what we all should do. Go shake all the hands you want, touch all the door handles you can, then go straight ahead and grab some food with your bare hands and feast away. It will be alright. We have this thing called an immune system that has worked marvelously for hundreds of thousands of years. Let it do its job by identifying a virus, bacteria, or whatever and do what it is supposed to do and kill the bugs on its own. People are growing weaker and weaker, and getting sick so much more often because they think its bad to have germs on them. Nothing could be further from the truth. And if you develop a little headache or upset stomach, leave the poor doctor alone. Just go get some sleep. Our body can work wonders while we sleep. And youll probably be healed quicker than it takes some stupid antibiotics to do their job and your immune system will thank you for letting it do its job. Just a little FYI about me and while I feel this way. I dont go to doctors. Unless I try to raise my arm and it wont move, Im staying away from those places. I dont need the superbug. And I rarely wash my hands. About the only time I do so is after going to the bathroom. No idea why I do that either since I dont pee on my hands. lol As for anti-bacterial products, I wont use them or allow them in my home. I refuse to be a part of society that gets sick all the time because their immune system has never had a chance to do what it is meant to do. I dont want to help contribute to the rise of the super bugs outside of hospitals either so keep that stupid crap away from me. Im happy to let my immune system get a workout. And it is happy to get the workout as well. Last, I dont get sick. I usually get a mild cold every fall, and thats it. As far back as I can remember, I have never had the flu or any other type of illness that has kept from me from my daily activities. Plain and simple, I dont get sick because my immune system has always been given the opportunity to do what it is there for. Ill keep living my life the way I do because I know Im doing it the right way. Thats all I have for today. If you made it this far, I hope you enjoyed the novel. :) lol
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 23:11:42 +0000

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