T.T.I.P. WILL ALLOW CORPORATIONS TO SUE COUNTRIES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS CAUSED BY GOVERNMENT LEGISLATION! Worth a watch if you dont know what TTIP is. The fact that the UK government is so fully behind this is disgusting and shows exactly where their interests lie, not with the people but with their corporate buddies! (not that I think many will be surprised by that!) Think of when the smoking age was changed, think if we tried to renationalize public transport, the post office or the energy companies, think if we wanted to get the private sector out of the NHS, think if we want to stop fracking, WE WONT EVEN BE ABLE TO RAISE OUR PITIFUL MINIMUM WAGE! ALL of these scenarios would result in corporations suing the government for the profits they expected to make. It is an absolute affront to democracy and will make our government work even less for us than they already do! El Salvador is currently being sued by a OceanaGold after they blocked them from mining because it would poison their water supply. The message is absolutely clear: LET US POISON YOUR WATER OR WELL SUE YOUR GOVERNMENT AND CRIPPLE YOUR ECONOMY! This is exactly what is being brought to Europe via TTIP. We cant allow companies to hold our country to ransom in this way. These procedings are held in secret courts, with 3 corporate lawyers involved, no democratic accountability, no public record of what goes on, and no right of appeal. Spread this around people, Ive seen quite a few people talking about this but it needs to be much more widespread. A deal this sinister cant be allowed to go ahead. https://secure.38degrees.org.uk/page/s/eu-ttip-petition#petition ^Petition calling on the EU to scrap TTIP, nearly at a million signatures now!
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 01:38:46 +0000

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