T he international community’s adverse reaction to Gujarat - TopicsExpress


T he international community’s adverse reaction to Gujarat pogrom against the minority community following Godhra train carnage which was spontaneous and emotion packed looked unfair and biased while the same is studied and assessed for quantum of human rights violations against the sordid scenario perpetrated by Srilanken Govt against Tamil minority community. Massacre of more than two lakhs unarmed civilians in the last leg of war and brutal killing of Prabakaran’s son Balachandran inside the bunker and others violating war norms and human rights regulations are historical records of acts of genocides.Unfortunaely socialistic countries known for backing peoples up rise against oppression and ill treatment had not come to Tamils help. Alas they had forsaken them aftermath also. Federal India seemed retreated from its obligations to Lankan Tamil Ethnic group which has strong umbilical card relation with Tamils of India.Cultural,ethnic and linguistic mutualism between Indian and lankan Tamil groups are considered not seriously but mistaken in lighter veins.While Modi of Gujarat is slammed for his anti minority role in Gujarat and denied permission to visit some foreign countries India is extending red carpet welcome to Rajabakshe and his coterie whose war excess are being a hot subject matter in UN Security council agenda. Today Federal India is held together loosely by national spirit founded by selfless leadersand political luminaries like Gandhiji,Nehru,Patel and Kamaraj etc, perpetuated by saints and sages like Vyasa,Valmihi,Kalidas,Sankara,Ramanuja and Vivekananda etc and their contribution to the academy of ancient India .Inspiration of the above noblemen by the new generation is showing slipping trend because of changing socio political scenario, filled with regionalism,linguistic and racial chauvinism. Tamil Ethnic issue is not a small thing to be ignored easily. Superpower inspired India must act boldly to his adversaries. Taking cues from U S Govt’s global interest to uphold Human rights in high esteem and protection of minority’s interest, India must show interest and take initiative to persuade the reluctant comrade nations to understand the plight of Lanken Tamils and oppression perpetrated by frenzied Rajabakhe Govt and the war excess.So that aggrieved, aggressive Tamils agitating for honest life and peaceful settlement for their community in alien country will be cooled and strengthen the spirit of Indian nationalism Banish Modi is the international community drive for his alleged pogrom against minority community in Gujarat after Godhra carnage.Hitler is castigated for his genocide, Jews ethnic cleansing, Nazi gene purification etc.Those who practiced anti Tamil minority pogrom,war excess , human rights violation and Tamil ethnic cleansing must also be given the same treatment by the international community including India.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 14:58:21 +0000

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