On Anthony Brewer (and First World Marxist academics)... Anyone - TopicsExpress


On Anthony Brewer (and First World Marxist academics)... Anyone influenced by Anthony Brewers 1980 Marxist rejection of the Leninist theory of imperialism, really needs to read his 1990 book chapter Imperialism in Retrospect (Chilcote, 1990). Retrospect is the operative word here because he rejects not only Lenin but the theory of imperialism all together, making a whole series of reactionary arguements objectively defending neo-liberalism. He follows an established pattern for first world Marxist academic writers on imperialism: Step 1 - reject Lenin as having any sort of relevance today. Step 2 - reject imperialism in its entirety (though often on the quite). David Harvey follows the same pattern. In Harvey case: Step 1 - write The New Imperialism(2003) ostensively as a Marxist explanation of imperialism and reject Lenin in doing so. Step 2 - write 17 contradictions and the end of Capitalism (2014) openly denying the reality for any Marxist that there is transfer of value from poor to rich countries. Here are some morsels of Anthony Brewers reactionary anti poor garbage: closer to the truth... [than dependency theory] different countries face many possibilities and opportunities. Poor countries can catch up. (p81) In trade some of the most damaging and irrational restrictions have been imposed by the Third World countries themselves. (p81) Multinationals are simply businesses that happen to operate in a number of countries. (p81) overall the existence of multinational companies is a reflection of the growing integration of the world economy but raises no special problems for poor countries. (p82) !!!!!!!!!! In sum, there is no justification for a claim the world economy is especially slanted against poor countries (p82) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Were do these people live?? In first world universities, those bastions of learning and progress, thats were. Howard and King, Warren and Callinicos follow roughly the same proceedure (though Im not sure Howard and King ever called themselves Marxists). My only request to the rest is that stop calling themselves Marxist. The Marxist theory of value easily shows there is systematic exploitation of the poor countries by the rich. see marxistleftreview.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=112:lenins-theory-of-imperialism-a-defence-of-its-relevance-in-the-21st-century&catid=45:number-8-winter-2014&Itemid=84
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 21:55:15 +0000

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