TAPPING FROM DIVINE RESOURCES WITHIN YOU As all natural resources - TopicsExpress


TAPPING FROM DIVINE RESOURCES WITHIN YOU As all natural resources like the gold and the silver are within the earth so is your destiny and divine grace/blessings placed within you in Christ Jesus. Below are some of the steps you can take to tap into them. 1. Believe that you have got something inside of you from where the solution will be drawn. You have Christ in you. You have got the Holy Ghost in you. What other help can be better? (John 14:17, Col 1:27, Eph 3:17) 2. Remember that you don’t have to feel it or see it before you know that the help is within you. Until she was brought forth, Adam never knew that he was carrying Eve about. You may never know what you have inside of you until it is brought forth. You will break forth in Jesus name. 3. Remember that no matter how hard and how harsh the situation is, you have got what it takes to resolve and dissolve it. The Lord asked Moses, “… What is in thine hand?…” (Ex. 4:2). Elisha asked the woman, "......what do you have in your house? (2Kgs. 4:2) 4. Allow God to work on you to bring out the answer within. You don’t normally perform major operations on men while they are awake. Allow God to put you to sleep. Suspend your mind for a while and completely trust and yield to Him. By the time you open your eyes, like Adam, you will find your help meet before you. God put it in there, He can bring it out for you. For you to help a sinking man, you’ve got to knock him unconscious or else both of you will sink together. You need to stop struggling and drop all carnal efforts and ambitions. Just rest in His hand. He is able to work on you to bring out the greatness within you. Do you need help? Are you tired of struggling? Ask the Lord to put you to sleep and operate on you. 5. Remember it is going to come from what you know how to do. Jesus did not tell the disciples to go farming or selling. He said, “Go and catch a fish”. They were original fishermen. Catching fish was not a task. It was their trade. Could you imagine Jesus telling them to go and do something else? Beloved, there is something in you that instructs your hand and mind. It is the breath that God shared with every man. (Gen 2:7) Job 32:8 But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding. No one is being employed from earth, but everyone has been employed from heaven. So stop asking God to give you a job. Ask Him to help you locate your posting and placement. Your destiny is not ahead but was born with you and locked up within you.The bible said of Cain and Abel in Gen 4:2: “and Abel was a keeper of the sheep but Cain was a tiller of the ground” You are probably wondering who taught them how to keep sheep and till the ground. It was inside of them. They were born with it. Beloved, you are also carrying something that has the answer to your destiny. Find out in Jesus name. The devil may have corrupted and bastardized what is in you but he never put it there. Turn to God, He will work on you and bring out your help meet for your home, business, life, ministry etc. 6. Recognize it, embrace it, and put it to work immediately. Adam said in Gen 2:23 ”…This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh”. May you find help in every areas of your life in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 12:02:16 +0000

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