TBM TRUMPET CALL 2015-01-25 “Wait on the LORD: be of good - TopicsExpress


TBM TRUMPET CALL 2015-01-25 “Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and He will strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.” – PSALM 27:14 BE OF GOOD COURAGE Joshua the son of Nun, known, revered and acclaimed as the minister of Moses was a man of experience. He saw firsthand, all the miracles, signs and wonders God did through Moses, Aaron and himself. He remembered all the victories God wrought through his unflinching and unquestionable commitment to God and to Moses. However, when it was time for him to begin his own leadership, God had to repeatedly say to him, “Be of good courage” “be strong and courageous” “be of good courage” {Joshua 1:1-9}. Actually, it is debateable whether there is bad courage or not. Anyway, if Joshua needed it, we surely need it even more. It is true, none of us saw the burning bush, or the Red Sea open before our eyes, it is safe to say most of us are not better than those who fell in the wilderness when the real test of faith began. So, be of good courage folks! The going may surely be tough, but we should not engage in too much speculation about God’s timing; only that we pray never, ever to miss His timing for our lives. Some of us may be wondering like Jeremiah, secretly, “has God deceived me?” {Jeremiah 20:7}. No! Of course not! Our experiences are part of the deal. If we do not possess the experiences that pertain to the trying of faith, what can we share or tell anyone? Be strong and courageous! Wait for God, His timing and ways are certain; more certain than the sun and the moon that we can see. Easier said than done! Yes, that is why it is called faith. You do not see it, but you see it. Now, see it come to pass. Be of good courage. Nevertheless, we should all be clear about courage and being courageous; it will cost something, it will require sacrifices. It is for this reason it referred to as courage. Soldiers lay down their lives for others. How then do we become courageous? By reminding ourselves and God of all He has done, in thanking giving, and all he has promised, with praise. Therefore, we do not ever retreat or surrender. It is forward ever, backward never! We are taking territories only because of the Captain of the Hosts Himself. God will fulfil all His promises not because of any good thing we conceived of or did, no! It is because of all that Jesus Christ did and ratified with His blood. This is also good news for us all. So you see, His word is settled {Psalm 119: 89}, “Be settled”. “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. {Galatians 6:9} Amen. God bless and have a good day.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 00:08:56 +0000

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