TEACHABLE MOMENT: People of God, yesterday, someone that knows me - TopicsExpress


TEACHABLE MOMENT: People of God, yesterday, someone that knows me fairly well shared that she had spoken with a lady whom spoke very highly of me and desired to come to the church that I serve as pastor. However, she also shared that the lady was afraid to come and visit because one of her (the ladys) relatives did not like me (for whatever reason) and she was afraid to come because her relative may find out and be mad with her and she did not want her to be mad. Most people who REALLY know me ALREADY know that I could not care less whether people like me or not ESPECIALLY if I KNOW that I am only doing what GOD called me to do. If I know that I have not intentionally and purposely offended anyone, then I MUST keep walking! Scripture reveals to us that they hated Jesus WITHOUT A CAUSE and so goes the same for us. We are no exception. Nevertheless, the thing that truly burdened me is the fact that there are many people (like this lady) who are so timid and afraid of what people think until they are willing to forfeit deliverance, healing AND progression just to please people! Ultimately, they desire to remain loyal to people as opposed to remaining loyal TO GOD or being OBEDIENT to His instructions and, THAT, people of God, is a scary thing! As a word of warning, do not miss God trying to please people! This reminds me of the scripture in Galatians that reveals, 7 You ran well. Who hindered you from obeying the truth? 8 This persuasion does not come from Him who calls you. (Galatians 5:7-8) I can not speak for anyone else, but I would rather be uncomfortable and FREE rather than loyal to people and BOUND! To dislike someone just because your people do not like them is EXTREMELY elementary. It is actually a subtle form of witchcraft when a person has that type control over you! I am not speaking of GODLY counsel from your leader but those who DEMAND that you hate others just because of their PERSONAL hatred towards someone. That IS NOT of GOD! Those are high school games and they are only beneficial to point out the maturity level of those who participate in such foolishness (or the lack thereof.) It sows discord among the brethren which is one of the things that SCRIPTURE reveals that GOD HATES! I am FULLY persuaded that presently, MANY people throughout the body of Christ are STUCK because they are scared of what SOMEBODY is going to say if they OBEY GOD. If that is YOU, then I admonish you to NOT allow people to ROB YOU of your progression OR your destiny! The devil HATES unity and there are some relationships that he is working HARD to keep apart because even he understands that if certain people unite, they WILL become a force that he CAN NOT reckon with! However, at the end of the day, our job is to PLEASE GOD and not people! If you please HIM, it is only THEN that you will have the ability to effectively SERVE His people! Let us LEARN this lesson #LearnToThinkForYourself
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 19:14:26 +0000

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